
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Navigation Lifecycle

Explains the events that happen during a user initiated navigation between two routes.

The navigation lifecycle is made up of various events that are fired when a user navigates from one state or view to another. The events are fired to listeners added to the UI instance and to attached components that implement related observer interfaces.


BeforeLeaveEvent is the first event fired during navigation.

The event allows the navigation to be postponed, canceled, or changed to a different destination.

This event is delivered to any component instance implementing BeforeLeaveObserver that’s attached to the UI before the navigation starts.

It’s also possible to register a standalone listener for this event using the addBeforeLeaveListener(BeforeLeaveListener) method in the UI class.

A typical use case for this event is to ask the user whether they want to save any unsaved changes before navigating to another part of the application.

Event call order
BeforeLeaveEvent is first sent to manually registered BeforeLeaveListener instances and then to BeforeLeaveObserver instances connected to the UI.
Listener order
BeforeLeaveListener instances are called in the order they’re registered. BeforeLeaveObserver instances are called in descendant order starting from the UI.

Postponing a Navigation Transition

BeforeLeaveEvent includes the postpone() method, which can be used to postpone the current navigational transition until a specific condition is met.

Example: The client requests the user’s confirmation before leaving the page:

public class SignupForm extends Div
        implements BeforeLeaveObserver {
    public void beforeLeave(BeforeLeaveEvent event) {
        if (hasChanges()) {
            ContinueNavigationAction action =
            ConfirmDialog confirmDialog = new ConfirmDialog();
                 confirmDialog.setText("Your form has changes! Are you sure you want to leave?");
                 confirmDialog.addConfirmListener(__ -> action.proceed());
                 confirmDialog.addCancelListener(__ -> action.cancel());

    private boolean hasChanges() {
        // no-op implementation
        return true;

Postponing interrupts the process of notifying observers and listeners. When the transition resumes, the remaining observers (those that come after the observer that initiated the postpone) are called.


  • Assume the current page has three observers, a, b and c, which are notified in the same order.

  • If b calls postpone(), the call to c (and the rest of the transition process), is deferred.

    • If the transition isn’t resumed, c is never notified of the event and the transition never finishes.

    • If b executes ContinueNavigationAction to resume the transition, it continues from the point of interruption: a and b aren’t called again, but c is notified.

Only one navigation event may be postponed at a time.
Starting a new navigation transition while a previous one is in a postponed state makes the postponed state obsolete, and executing ContinueNavigationAction has no effect.


BeforeEnterEvent is the second event fired during navigation.

The event allows you to change the navigation to go to a destination that’s different from the original.

This event is typically used to react to special situations, for example if there is no data to show, or if the user doesn’t have appropriate permissions.

This event is delivered to any component instance implementing BeforeEnterObserver that’s attached to the UI, beginning with the UI and moving through the child components.

Components in the chain are instantiated after a parent handles BeforeEnter and doesn’t reroute or forward

The event is fired:

  • only after a Postpone method (called during a BeforeLeaveEvent) has been continued;

  • before detaching and attaching components to make the UI match the location being navigated to.

It’s also possible to register a standalone listener for this event using the addBeforeEnterListener(BeforeEnterListener) method in the UI class.

Event call order
BeforeEnterEvent is first sent to the target component if it implements HasUrlParameter, then to manually registered BeforeEnterListener instances and lastly to BeforeEnterObserver instances connected to the UI.
Listener order
BeforeEnterListener instances are called in the order they’re registered. BeforeEnterObserver instances are called in descendant order starting from the UI.


Both BeforeLeaveEvent and BeforeEnterEvent can be used to reroute dynamically.

Rerouting is typically used when there is a need to show completely different information in a particular state.

When the reroute() method is called:

  • the event isn’t fired to any further listeners or observers;

  • the method triggers a new navigation phase, based on the new navigation target, and events are fired based on this instead;

  • for BeforeEnterEvent: child components of the rerouting component aren’t instantiated.

Example: Rerouting when entering a BlogList with no results.

public class NoItemsView extends Div {
    public NoItemsView() {
        setText("No items found.");

public class BlogList extends Div
        implements BeforeEnterObserver {
    public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent event) {
        // implementation omitted
        Object record = getItem();

        if (record == null) {

    private Object getItem() {
        // no-op implementation
        return null;
rerouteTo() has overloads for different use cases.
rerouteTo() keeps the original URL in the browser’s address bar and doesn’t change it to a new URL based on the new target.


The forwardTo() method reroutes navigation and updates the browser URL.

Forwarding can be used during BeforeEnter and BeforeLeave lifecycle states to dynamically redirect to a different URL.

When the forwardTo() method is called:

  • the event isn’t fired to any further listeners or observers;

  • the method triggers a new navigation phase, based on the new navigation target, and fires new lifecycle events for the new forward navigation target;

  • for BeforeEnterEvent: child components of the forwarding component aren’t instantiated.

Example: Forwarding when viewing BlogList without the required permissions.

public class NoPermission extends Div {
    public NoPermission() {
        setText("No permission.");

public class BlogPost extends Div
        implements BeforeEnterObserver {
    public void beforeEnter(BeforeEnterEvent event) {
        if (!hasPermission()) {

    private boolean hasPermission() {
        // no-op implementation
        return false;
forwardTo() has overloads for different use cases
forwardTo() changes the URL in the browser’s address bar to the URL of the new target. The URL of the original target isn’t kept in the browser history.


AfterNavigationEvent is the third and last event fired during navigation.

This event is typically used to update various parts of the UI after the actual navigation is complete. Examples include adjusting the content of a breadcrumb component and visually marking the active menu item as active.

AfterNavigationEvent is fired:

  • after BeforeEnterEvent, and

  • after updating which components are attached to the UI.

At this point, the current navigation state is actually shown to the user, and further reroutes and similar changes are no longer possible.

The event is delivered to any component instance implementing AfterNavigationObserver that’s attached after completing the navigation.

It’s also possible to register a standalone listener for this event using the addAfterNavigationListener(AfterNavigationListener) method in the UI class.

Example: Marking the active navigation element as active.

public class SideMenu extends Div
        implements AfterNavigationObserver {
    Anchor blog = new Anchor("blog", "Blog");

    public void afterNavigation(
          AfterNavigationEvent event) {
        boolean active = event.getLocation()
                .set("active", active);
Event call order
AfterNavigationEvent is first sent to manually registered AfterNavigationListener instances and then to AfterNavigationObserver instances found connected to the UI.
Listener order
AfterNavigationListener instances are called in the order they were registered. AfterNavigationObserver instances are called in descendant order staring from the UI.
