
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Maven Configuration Properties

Configuring the Vaadin Maven plugin.

The Vaadin Maven plugin contains configuration for most configurable properties. These can be set either as system properties or configuration parameters for the plugin.

Using Maven Plugin Configuration

The best way to set persistent configuration properties for a Maven project is to set them in the plugin.


Plugin Configuration Options

The following list shows all the configuration options and their default values:


Location of the file in a Spring project. Defaults to ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/


Whether to insert the initial User Interface Definition Language (UIDL) object in the bootstrap index.html. Defaults to false.


The directory with the project’s frontend source files. Defaults to "${project.basedir}/src/main/frontend". The legacy location "${project.basedir}/frontend" is used if the default location doesn’t exist and this parameter isn’t set.


The folder where Flow puts TypeScript API files for client projects. Defaults to "${project.basedir}/src/main/frontend/generated". The legacy location "${project.basedir}/frontend/generated" is used if the default location doesn’t exist and this parameter isn’t set.


Java source folders for scanning. Defaults to "${project.basedir}/src/main/java".


Java resource folder. Defaults to "${project.basedir}/src/main/resources".


URL to use for downloading Node.js. In environments behind a firewall, the Node.js download can be provided from an intranet mirror. Defaults to null, which downloads Node.js from


The Node.js version to be used when Node.js is installed automatically. Should be in the format "v16.0.0". Defaults to FrontendTools.DEFAULT_NODE_VERSION.


Flag to enable automatic update of the Node.js version installed in ~/.vaadin if it’s older than the default or defined nodeVersion. Note: any installed version below should work is automatically updated regardless of this flag. Defaults to false.


The folder where the package.json file is located. Defaults to ${project.basedir}.


Default generated path of the OpenAPI JSON. Defaults to ${}/generated-resources/openapi.json.


Specifies to use pnpm to install npm frontend resources. Defaults to true.


Specifies to use the globally installed pnpm tool or the default supported pnpm version. Defaults to false.


Define whether the application is running in production mode. Defaults to false. For production, the frontend is bundled and optimized, as described in Deploying to Production.


The folder where the package.json file is located. Defaults to ${project.basedir}.


Whether to use React Router, add React core dependencies, React integration helpers and Vaadin’s provided React components (i.e., @vaadin/react-components). Fallbacks to vaadin-router, excludes all React dependencies and adds Lit dependencies, if set to false — default is true. Configuration property vaadin.react.enable needs to be set to match this value. See Hilla & React Dependencies for more information.


Whether Vaadin home node executable usage is forced. If it’s set to true, the Vaadin home 'node' is checked, and installed if absent. This is then used instead of a globally or locally installed 'node'. Defaults to false.


Defines the output directory for generated non-served resources, such as the token file. Defaults to ${}/vaadin-generated.


Optionally use the legacy V14 bootstrap mode. Defaults to false.


The folder where Vite (the default frontend build tool) should output index.js and other generated files. Defaults to ${}/META-INF/VAADIN/webapp/.


Build directory for the project. Defaults to ${}.


Prevents frontend development bundle from being re-built even if Vaadin decides to use an existing compiled development bundle. This is mainly needed when re-bundling checker in Flow has issues leading to false re-bundling and one needs a workaround while the problem is being resolved. Defaults to false.

Build Frontend Goal Parameters

The following parameters are used with the build-frontend goal, in addition to the parameters described above.


Whether to generate a bundle from the project frontend sources. Defaults to true.


Whether to run the npm install task after updating dependencies. This doesn’t necessarily execute npm install if everything seems to be up to date. Defaults to true.


Whether to generate embeddable web components from WebComponentExporter inheritors. Defaults to true.


Defines the project frontend directory from where resources should be copied to use with Vite. Defaults to ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/frontend.


Whether to use a byte code scanner strategy to discover frontend components. Defaults to true.


Defines whether npm ci is run instead of npm i in production frontend builds. If you use pnpm, the install command is run with the --frozen-lockfile parameter. The build fails if the package.json and package-lock.json files have mismatching versions. Defaults to false.


Forces Vaadin to create a new production bundle even if a pre-compiled one can be used. Usually needed to create an optimized production bundle and to load components sources to the browser on demand, i.e. once one opens a route where these components are used. Defaults to false.
