
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Getting Started with Control Center 1.1 in a Local Environment

Learn how to set up Control Center in a local environment.
This is for the 1.1 pre-release version of Control Center. To view the latest stable version, see the main documentation.

This page explains how to set up Control Center in a local environment for development and testing purposes.


Before you begin, make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster running and available on your local machine. You can use tools like Docker Desktop, which has an embedded Kubernetes (see Kubernetes on Docker Desktop), Kind, or Minikube to set up a local cluster. Deciding which to use depends on your project needs.

If you’re using minikube, you’ll need to ensure that the minikube tunnel is running before deploying Control Center.

You’ll also need to install Helm. It’s a Kubernetes package manager that simplifies application deployment and management. Make sure it’s configured to interact with your cluster.

Configure Hosts File

To access Control Center from your local machine, you need to add a couple of entries to your hosts file.

Linux & macOS

When using a Unix based system like Linux or macOS, you’ll need to open the hosts file in the /etc directory, with administrative privileges like so:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

There you’ll have to add the following line at the end of the file:   control.local   auth.local


If you’re using a Windows system, you’ll instead need to start Notepad as an administrator. With it, open the hosts file, which is usually located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. Be careful when modifying system files while logged in as administrator, to avoid problems.

Add the following line to the end of that file:   control.local   auth.local

Deploying Control Center

To deploy Control Center, use the following command:

helm install control-center oci:// \
    -n control-center --create-namespace \
    --version 1.1.0-beta2 \
    --set domain=local \
    --set \

Replace the email address with your own. This is used to create the initial user account in Control Center.

Accessing Control Center

Once deployed, copy the temporary password for the initial user. Run the following command to retrieve it:

kubectl -n control-center get secret control-center-user -o go-template="{{ .data.password | base64decode | println }}"

You can access Control Center through the web browser at http://control.local.

Logging In

When you first access Control Center, you’ll be prompted to log in. Use the email you provided during deployment and the temporary password you retrieved earlier.

Login to Control Center

You’ll then be prompted to change your password and then to provide a first and last name.

Accessing the Dashboard

Upon successful authentication, you’ll be taken to the Control Center dashboard, as shown in the screenshot here.

Control Center Dashboard

At this point, the dashboard should notify you that no applications are available. This is because none are deployed yet.

To start deploying your Vaadin applications and take full advantage of Control Center’s features, proceed to the Application Deployment documentation page.

Application Development

To develop applications locally, you can use the Local Development Mode. It allows you to run your application locally and interact with the cluster as if it were running inside it.