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React Router in Hilla

Customizing routing beyond the basics

The file router of Hilla is built on top of React Router, a popular routing library for React applications. This article describes the details of the router integration, and provides instructions for customizing the route mapping.

React Router Configuration

In cases when file-based routing is not applicable, it is possible to declare views manually in the route mapping, which is described below.

The route mapping is managed through a source file called routes.tsx. This file defines the application’s routes, including the components associated with each.

The file defining the route mapping is located in the project’s src/main/frontend directory. When this file is missing, a default template is generated and used in the src/main/frontend/generated directory. You can copy the generated file to the src/main/frontend directory and use it as a base for creating a custom route mapping.

The RouterConfigurationBuilder utility provides an API for configuring the React Router. Here’s an example of how the builder API could be used in the routes.tsx file:

import { RouterConfigurationBuilder } from '@vaadin/hilla-file-router/runtime.js';
import Flow from 'Frontend/generated/flow/Flow';
import fileRoutes from 'Frontend/generated/file-routes.js';
import MainLayout from 'Frontend/explicit-routes/MainLayout.js';
import HillaView from 'Frontend/explicit-routes/HillaView.js';
import Login from 'Frontend/explicit-routes/Login.js';

export const { router, routes } = new RouterConfigurationBuilder()
  .withFileRoutes(fileRoutes) // (1)
  .withReactRoutes( // (2)
        element: <MainLayout />,
        handle: { title: 'Main' },
        children: [
          { path: '/hilla', element: <HillaView />, handle: { title: 'Hilla' } }
      { path: '/login', element: <Login />, handle: { title: 'Login' } }
  .withFallback(Flow) // (3)
  .protect('/login') // (4)
  .build(); // (5)
  1. The .withFileRoutes() method enables routes collected by the Hilla file router.

  2. The .withReactRoutes() method adds custom React Router routes by merging them with the hierarchy above. In this example, the custom routes are added after the file routes. The <HillaView /> view component is mapped to the /hilla path inside the main layout, and the /login route is defined to show the <Login /> view outside the main layout.

  3. The .withFallback() method allows to map a component as a fallback route, which handles the case when none of the routes above match. In this example, as well as by default, the Flow component acts as a fallback, which enables navigation to the Flow Java views on the server side.

  4. The .protect() method wraps enables client-side view authorization. In this example, the /login path is defined as a redirect target for unauthorized navigation attempts.

  5. The .build() method finalizes the builder setup and returns the object with the router instance and the routes. It is used to define exports in the routes.tsx file.

The router instance exported from this file is then used in the index.tsx file to render the application.

Further Information

For more information about using React Router, refer to the official documentation: