Login & Logout Links
For users to login and logout, it can be useful to provide them with a link or button. This page explains how to do that in a Vaadin application when using the Identity Management feature in Control Center.
Adding Login
To add a login link or button to a Vaadin application, you’ll need to create a component that redirects users to the login page provided by Control Center — for when they click on the link or button. Here’s an example of how you might do that:
public class MainLayout extends AppLayout {
public MainLayout() {
/* <1> */
Button loginButton = new Button("Login", event -> {
getUI().ifPresent(ui -> ui.getPage().setLocation("/oauth2/authorization/control-center"));
/* <2> */
Anchor loginLink = new Anchor("/oauth2/authorization/control-center", "Login");
addToNavbar(loginButton, loginLink);
This part creates a login button.
This creates a login link. You may not want to do both a button and a link, though.
Adding Logout
To add a logout link or button to a Vaadin application, you’ll need to create a component that triggers the logout process. Here’s an example of how to create a button, only:
public class MainLayout extends AppLayout {
public MainLayout(@Autowired AuthenticationContext authenticationContext) {
Button logoutButton = new Button("Logout", click -> authenticationContext.logout());
Deploy the Application
Deploy the application as described in Deploying a Vaadin Application with Control Center. Be sure to activate the Identity Management feature.