Dragonfly Transpiler is the engine that applies a preconfigured set of Vaadin Framework-to-Flow or Swing-to-Flow transformation rules to an application. Dragonfly is a commercial tool that requires a valid license. The Transpiler works by applying the transformation to the full set of sources in the current Maven module or Eclipse workspace, or by applying it to a selection made in the Eclipse Package Explorer.
You can install the Dragonfly Transpiler for Eclipse through the Eclipse Marketplace, https://vaadin.com/eclipse
, or https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/vaadin-tools
Once you’ve installed Dragonfly, a Migration Menu option appears in the main Eclipse menu. Switch your view so the Package Explorer is active — not the Project Explorer. Set the transformation in process by selecting Transform Swing to Vaadin or Transform Vaadin 7/8 to Vaadin from the Migration Menu.
Verifying Execution
When processing is complete, Dragonfly will place three log files in the reports
folder of the user home. These include a changereport
and a csvreport
that give information on which rules have been executed and how they have changed the sources, and a log
file that contains information about execution time for each source in the project.