
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Add a View

Learn how to add a view to a Vaadin application.

In a Vaadin application, a view is a user interface component that forms a logical whole of the user interface. A page can contain other components than a view, but only one view at a time. Typically, the view takes up most of the page.

Each view is associated with its own URL path. When the user navigates from one view to another, the URL of the page changes. The mapping between a URL path and a view is called a route, where the view is the target of the route.

All routes must be unique to allow the routing logic to determine the view to render without any disambiguation. When conflicts are detected, the application fails to start and logs a message explaining the reason for the conflict.

In this screenshot, the visible view is the root view. It is mapped to the "" path:

Example of a root view

In this screenshot, the visible view is mapped to the "customers" path:

customers view

You can write your views using either Flow and Java, or Hilla, React and TypeScript — in the same application. The following guides show you how: