
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 23)

You are viewing documentation for Vaadin 23. View latest documentation

Portlet Support

Portlet is a technology for building web components to be placed on Web Portals. Vaadin provides the API to create a UI to be visible in Portlets in the same way as for a Vaadin Servlet-based application.
Commercial feature

A commercial Vaadin subscription is required to use Portlet Support in your project.

Vaadin Portlet Support for Vaadin 23 is built on top of the Portlet 3.0 Specification. The Vaadin Portlet add-on was developed and tested with Liferay 7, but can be run in other portals supporting Portlet 3.0 and JDK 11+.


Creating Vaadin Portlets
Describes how to build your own Vaadin Portlets and run them.
Handling Portlet Phases
Introduces the API to use to interact with the Portlet phases and Portlet requests
Inter-Portlet Communication
Describes how to enable Portlets to communicate with other Portlets (Vaadin or non-Vaadin) on the Portal page
Creating Multi-Module Portlet Project
Shows how to create a multi-module Vaadin Portlet Maven project, in which each portlet is in its own module, and frontend assets are in one module
Adding a Vaadin Portlet Module to an Existing Multi-Module Project
Shows how to add a new Vaadin Portlet Module to an existing Vaadin or non-Vaadin multi-module project
Appendix A - Address Book Example Project Demonstration
Describes how to build two Vaadin Portlets that communicate with each other as a multi-module project

Limitations and Known Issues

  • Vaadin Portlet doesn’t support integration with OSGi, which comes with Liferay 7. Vote for OSGi support for Vaadin Portlet if you need it in your project and leave a comment about your use cases.

  • The Vaadin Push feature is not supported at the moment. Vaadin client-to-server polling can be used as a replacement.

  • The SPA feature isn’t supported and needs to be disabled for Liferay; see the SPA issue.

  • The Vaadin Portlet API for changing Portlet’s mode and state doesn’t work with Liferay; see this issue.

  • The @PWA annotation and all PWA features aren’t supported.

  • Vaadin Portlets aren’t compatible with Multiplatform Runtime.
