
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 23)

You are viewing documentation for Vaadin 23. View latest documentation

Advanced Topics

A collection of miscellaneous important topics and features that you may need in Vaadin applications.
Application Lifecycle
The more technical details of application deployment, user sessions, and the UI instance lifecycle.
Implementing localization and translation strings using I18NProvider.
Modifying the Bootstrap Page at Runtime
How to customize the application shell, or bootstrap page, to improve page loading speed
Upgrading from Vaadin 7 or 8 using Classic Components
The Loading Indicator
Using a loading indicator to notify the user of progress in loading the page.
Modifying how dependencies are loaded with DependencyFilter
Using the DependencyFilter interface to control which dependencies are loaded.
Service Init Listener
Using VaadinServiceInitListener to configure RequestHandler, IndexHtmlRequestListener and DependencyFiler objects, and to dynamically register routes during start-up.
Dynamic Content
Generating content dynamically based on the application state.
History API
Using the History API to access and modify the browser history from the server side.
Using StreamReceiver to receive an incoming data stream.
Session and UI Listeners
Listening for session and UI instantiation with SessionInitListener and UIInitListener.
Custom Error Handling
Customizing the error views related to navigation between routes.
Customizing System Messages
Configuring messages for application invalid state
Preserving the State on Refresh
Using the @PreserveOnRefresh annotation to keep the state of a view when it’s refreshed.
Servlet-Container Authentication
Configuring session-based and servlet container authentication.
Handling Long-Running Tasks
Learn how to handle long-running tasks in Vaadin applications.
Browser Access
Accessing the browser page using the Page object.
Loading Resources
How resources are stored in a project, and how to access them in an application.
CSS Loading Order
Understanding CSS loading order.
Server Push
Server push allows you to update the UI from the server, without the user explicitly requesting updates, for example, to send a new chat message to all participants with no delay.
Server-Side Modality
How to prevent interactions on the server side.
Custom Instantiator
Creating a custom Instantiator implementation.