
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 23)

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Notifications are used to provide feedback to the user. They communicate information about activities, processes, and events in the application.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
        Financial report generated
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const notification ='Financial report generated', {
  position: 'middle',

Theme Variants


The success theme variant can be used to display success messages, such as when a task or operation is completed.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="success" slot="middle">
        Application submitted!
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const notification ='Application submitted!', {
  position: 'middle',
notification.setAttribute('theme', 'success');

Successful operations shouldn’t routinely be declared using notifications, as these can be more distracting than useful for the user. Use success notifications only for operations whose successful completion may otherwise be difficult to discern.


The error theme variant can be used to display alerts, failures, or warnings.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="error" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
          <div>Failed to generate report</div>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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<!-- The duration is set to 0-sec to prevent the notification from auto-close. -->
  @opened-changed="${(e: NotificationOpenedChangedEvent) => {
    this.notificationOpened = e.detail.value;
  ${notificationRenderer(this.renderer, [])}


renderer: NotificationLitRenderer = () => html`
  <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
    <div>Failed to generate report</div>
    <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" @click="${this.close}" aria-label="Close">
      <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

Error notifications should be persistent, and provide the user with a button that closes the notification and/or allows the user to take appropriate action.

Notifications are non-modal and can be ignored, making them inappropriate for displaying unexpected technical errors that prevent the application from functioning, or situations that require immediate user action. Use a modal Dialog in such situations.


The primary theme variant can be used for important informational messages and/or to draw extra attention to a notification.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="primary" slot="middle">
        New project plan available
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const notification ='New project plan available', {
  position: 'middle',
notification.setAttribute('theme', 'primary');


A high-contrast version that improves legibility and distinguishes the notification from the rest of the UI.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="contrast" slot="middle">
        5 tasks deleted
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const notification ='5 tasks deleted', {
  position: 'middle',
notification.setAttribute('theme', 'contrast');


By default, notifications stay on-screen for 5 seconds. The duration is in milliseconds, and should be based on content and importance:

Use short durations for notifications that have:

  • short text content

  • lesser importance (for example, operations that finished without errors)

  • no interactive elements

Use longer durations for notifications that have:

  • longer text content

  • higher importance (for example, errors)

  • interactive elements (for example, links or "undo" actions)

A duration of at least 5 seconds is recommended to ensure that the user has a chance to see and understand the notification.

Persistent Notifications

Setting the duration to zero disables auto-closing, keeping the notification visible until explicitly dismissed by the user. This should be used for notifications that provide vital information to the user, such as errors. Persistent notifications should contain a Button that closes the notification and/or allows the user to take appropriate action.

Less-important notifications shouldn’t be persistent, and instead disappear automatically after an appropriate delay.


Notifications can be positioned in the viewport in seven non-stretched positions, or stretched across the top or bottom:

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Use the position attribute in HTML templates, for example <vaadin-notification position="top-end"></vaadin-notification>.

protected override render() {
  return html`
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">top-stretch</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">top-start</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">top-center</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">top-end</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">middle</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">bottom-start</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">bottom-center</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">bottom-end</vaadin-button>
    <vaadin-button @click="${}">bottom-stretch</vaadin-button>

show(event: MouseEvent) {
  // Use the button label as the location
  const position = ( as HTMLElement).textContent as NotificationPosition;, { position });


  • Top End or Bottom Start are recommended for most notifications, as these are unobtrusive, but still noticeable.

  • Middle is the most disruptive position, and should be used only for important notifications, such as errors.

  • Bottom End is the least obtrusive position, but can go unnoticed.

  • Stretch notifications, which span the full width of the viewport, are more disruptive, and should be reserved for important notifications whose contents require more space.

  • Applications with a notification button or drop-down in the header or footer should position notifications to appear in the same part of the screen.

  • For a consistent user experience, use one or two positions throughout the application.

  • Avoid using positions that may obstruct important parts of the UI, such as navigation.

The Flow styling issue

The Flow notification component renders rich content via an intermediate <flow-component-renderer> element. This can prevent notification content from using the full width when using top stretch or bottom stretch positioning. To work around this issue, add the following CSS rule to a global style sheet:

vaadin-notification-card flow-component-renderer,
vaadin-notification-card flow-component-renderer > div {
  display: contents;


Multiple simultaneously displayed notifications are stacked vertically, depending on their positioning:

  • When using the bottom half of the screen as the position, a new notification appears below the older notifications.

  • With the position set to the top half, a new notification appears above the existing notifications.


The notification card is automatically sized based on its content.

  • In large viewports, the card’s maximum width is one-third of the viewport.

  • In small viewports, the card always takes up the entire width of the viewport.

Interactive Elements

Notifications can contain interactive content, such as Buttons or links that allow the user to perform related actions.

For example, if an operation fails, the error notification could offer the user the opportunity to try again. Or it could contain a link to a view that allows the user to resolve the problem.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="error" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
          <div>Failed to generate report</div>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);">
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" aria-label="Close">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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<!-- The duration is set to 0-sec to prevent the notification from auto-close. -->
  @opened-changed="${(e: NotificationOpenedChangedEvent) => {
    this.notificationOpened = e.detail.value;
  ${notificationRenderer(this.renderer, [])}


renderer: NotificationLitRenderer = () => html`
  <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
    <div>Failed to generate report</div>
      style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);"
    <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline icon" @click="${this.close}" aria-label="Close">
      <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

In situations where the user might want to revert an action, display an "undo" button.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="contrast" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
          <div>5 tasks deleted</div>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);">
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" aria-label="Close">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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  @opened-changed="${(e: NotificationOpenedChangedEvent) => {
    this.notificationOpened = e.detail.value;
  ${notificationRenderer(this.renderer, [])}


renderer: NotificationLitRenderer = () => html`
  <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
    <div>5 tasks deleted</div>
      style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);"
    <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" aria-label="Close" @click="${this.close}">
      <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

Notifications can also contain links to relevant information.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
          <div>Jason Bailey mentioned you in <a href="#">Project Q4</a></div>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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<!-- The duration is set to 0-sec to prevent the notification from auto-close. -->
  @opened-changed="${(e: NotificationOpenedChangedEvent) => {
    this.notificationOpened = e.detail.value;
  ${notificationRenderer(this.renderer, [])}


renderer: NotificationLitRenderer = () => html`
  <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center;">
    <div>Jason Bailey mentioned you in <a href="#">Project Q4</a></div>
    <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline" aria-label="Close" @click="${this.close}">
      <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

Making Interactive Elements Keyboard-Accessible

Take care to ensure that keyboard-only users can access interactive elements in notifications:

  • Make the notification persistent, to prevent it from disappearing before the user has had a chance to interact with it.

  • Provide a keyboard shortcut, either to trigger the action itself, or to move focus to the notification card in cases where multiple interactive elements are present.

  • Make the shortcut discoverable, for example by displaying it as part of the notification’s content.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/horizontal-layout';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

const isMac = /Macintosh|MacIntel|MacPPC|Mac68K/.test(window.navigator.platform);

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="contrast" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout style="align-items: center;">
          <div>5 tasks deleted</div>
          <vaadin-button theme="primary" style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);">
            Undo ${isMac ? '⌘' : 'Ctrl-'}Z
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protected override render() {
  return html`
      @opened-changed="${(e: NotificationOpenedChangedEvent) => {
        this.notificationOpened = e.detail.value;
      ${notificationRenderer(this.renderer, [])}

renderer: NotificationLitRenderer = () => html`
  <vaadin-horizontal-layout style="align-items: center;">
    <div>5 tasks deleted</div>
      style="margin-left: var(--lumo-space-xl);"
      <!-- Ideally, this should be hidden if the
               device does not have a physical keyboard -->
      ${this.isMac ? '⌘' : 'Ctrl-'}Z

connectedCallback() {

  document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);

disconnectedCallback() {

  document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown);

onKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
  if (this.notificationOpened && (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.key === 'z') {
    // Handle your custom undo logic here
    // Avoid triggering the native undo action

Icons and Other Rich Formatting

Icons and other content formatting can be used to provide information and helpful visual cues, for example to make errors and success notifications easier to distinguish for users with color blindness.

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import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { customElement } from 'lit/decorators.js';
import '@vaadin/avatar';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/icons';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card theme="success" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
          <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:check-circle"></vaadin-icon>
          <div>Application submitted!</div>
          <vaadin-button style="margin: 0 0 0 var(--lumo-space-l)">View</vaadin-button>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

      <vaadin-notification-card theme="error" slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
          <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:warning"></vaadin-icon>
          <div>Failed to generate report</div>
          <vaadin-button style="margin: 0 0 0 var(--lumo-space-l)">Retry</vaadin-button>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
          <vaadin-avatar name="Jason Bailey"></vaadin-avatar>
          <div><b>Jason Bailey</b> mentioned you in <a href="#">Project Q4</a></div>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
        <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
            style="color: var(--lumo-success-color)"
            <b style="color: var(--lumo-success-text-color);">Upload successful</b>
              style="font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-s); color: var(--lumo-secondary-text-color);"
              <b>Financials.xlsx</b> is now available in <a href="#">Documents</a>
          <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
            <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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    (notification) => html`
      <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
        <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:check-circle"></vaadin-icon>
        <div>Application submitted!</div>
          style="margin: 0 0 0 var(--lumo-space-l)"
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

    (notification) => html`
      <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
        <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:warning"></vaadin-icon>
        <div>Failed to generate report</div>
          style="margin: 0 0 0 var(--lumo-space-l)"
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

    (notification) => html`
      <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
        <vaadin-avatar name="Jason Bailey"></vaadin-avatar>
        <div><b>Jason Bailey</b> mentioned you in <a href="#">Project Q4</a></div>
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

    (notification) => html`
      <vaadin-horizontal-layout theme="spacing" style="align-items: center">
          style="color: var(--lumo-success-color)"
          <b style="color: var(--lumo-success-text-color);">Upload successful</b>
            style="font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-s); color: var(--lumo-secondary-text-color)"
            <b>Financials.xlsx</b> is now available in <a href="#">Documents</a>
          @click="${() => notification.close()}"
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>

Static Helper

For simple, one-off notifications, it’s convenient to use the static show() helper method. The helper manages the notification’s lifecycle, and adds and removes it from the DOM automatically.

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// Show a simple text-based notification'Financial report generated', {
  position: 'middle',
// Show a notification with markup using a Lit template
      How about lunch at
      <span style="color: var(--lumo-primary-text-color)">12:30pm</span>?
    position: 'middle',

Best Practices

Use Sparingly

Notifications are disruptive by design and should be used sparingly. Use fewer notifications by reserving them for more-important information that might otherwise go unnoticed by the user.

Less-urgent notifications can be provided through a link or drop-down in the application header or footer, instead of via immediate notifications.

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protected override render() {
  return html`
        () => html`<div style="padding: var(--lumo-space-l);">Show notifications here</div>`,
      <vaadin-button aria-label="notifications" theme="tertiary">
        <vaadin-icon icon="vaadin:bell-o"></vaadin-icon>
        <span theme="badge error primary small pill">4</span>

Limit Content Length

Aim for one or two lines of content. Notifications should be brief and to the point. More information can be provided through an embedded link or Button.

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Do show a preview of longer content, and link to the full details
import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
          <div>Aria Bailey</div>
          <div style="font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-s); color: var(--lumo-secondary-text-color);">
            Yeah, I know. But could you help me with...
        <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
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Don’t display all details in the notification
import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import '@vaadin/button';
import '@vaadin/icon';
import '@vaadin/notification';
import '@vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/vaadin-iconset';
import { applyTheme } from 'Frontend/generated/theme';

export class Example extends LitElement {
  protected override createRenderRoot() {
    const root = super.createRenderRoot();
    // Apply custom theme (only supported if your app uses one)
    return root;

  protected override render() {
    return html`
      <vaadin-notification-card slot="middle">
          <div>New message from Aria Bailey</div>
          <div style="font-size: var(--lumo-font-size-s); color: var(--lumo-secondary-text-color);">
            Yeah, I know. But could you help me with this. I’m not sure where the bug is in my CSS?
            The checkmark doesn’t get the right color. I’m trying to use the CSS custom properties
            from our design system, but for some reason it’s not working.
        <vaadin-button theme="tertiary-inline">
          <vaadin-icon icon="lumo:cross"></vaadin-icon>
Component Usage recommendations


Dialog should be used instead of Notification for anything that requires immediate user action.
