
Class ComponentQuery<T extends Component>


Type Parameters:

T - the type of the component(s) to search for

public class ComponentQuery<T extends Component> extends Object

Query class used for finding a component inside a given search context. The search context is either the current UI instance which searches through the whole component tree, or a Component instance, which limits the search to the component subtree.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • ComponentQuery

      public ComponentQuery(Class<T> componentType)

      Creates a new instance of ComponentQuery to search for components of given type.


      componentType - the type of the component(s) to search for

  • Method Details

    • withPropertyValue

      public <V> ComponentQuery<T> withPropertyValue(Function<T,V> getter, V expectedValue)

      Requires the given property to have expected value.


      getter - the function to get the value of the property of the field, not null

      expectedValue - value to be compared with the one obtained by applying the getter function to a component instance


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withValue

      public <V> ComponentQuery<T> withValue(V expectedValue)

      Requires the component to be an implementation of HasValue interface and to have exactly the given value. Providing a null value as expectedValue has no effects since the filter will not be applied.


      expectedValue - value to be compared with the one obtained by HasValue.getValue()


      this element query instance for chaining

      See Also:

    • withId

      public ComponentQuery<T> withId(String id)

      Requires the component to have the given id


      id - the id to look up


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withCondition

      public ComponentQuery<T> withCondition(Predicate<T> condition)

      Requires the components to satisfy the given condition.


      condition - the condition to check against the components.


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withClassName

      public ComponentQuery<T> withClassName(String... className)

      Requires the components to have all the given CSS class names


      className - required CSS class names, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withoutClassName

      public ComponentQuery<T> withoutClassName(String... className)

      Requires the components to have none of the given CSS class names


      className - CSS class names that component should not have, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withTheme

      public ComponentQuery<T> withTheme(String theme)

      Add theme that should be set on the target component.


      theme - theme that should exist on the component.


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withoutTheme

      public ComponentQuery<T> withoutTheme(String theme)

      Add theme that should not be available on the target component.


      theme - theme that should not exist on the component.


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withCaption

      public ComponentQuery<T> withCaption(String caption)

      Requires the component to have a caption equal to the given text Concept of caption vary based on the component type. The check is usually made against the Element label property, but for some component (e.g. Button) the text content may be used.


      caption - the text the component is expected to have as its caption


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withCaptionContaining

      public ComponentQuery<T> withCaptionContaining(String text)

      Requires the component to have a caption containing the given text Concept of caption vary based on the component type. The check is usually made against the Element label property, but for some component (e.g. Button) the text content may be used.


      text - the text the component is expected to have as its caption


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withText

      public ComponentQuery<T> withText(String text)

      Requires the text content of the component to be equal to the given text


      text - the text the component is expected to have as its content


      this element query instance for chaining

      See Also:

    • withTextContaining

      public ComponentQuery<T> withTextContaining(String text)

      Requires the text content of the component to contain the given text


      text - the text the component is expected to have as its caption


      this element query instance for chaining

      See Also:

    • withResultsSize

      public ComponentQuery<T> withResultsSize(int count)

      Requires the search to find exactly the given number of components


      count - the expected number of component retrieved by the search


      this element query instance for chaining


      IllegalArgumentException - if count is negative

    • withResultsSize

      public ComponentQuery<T> withResultsSize(int min, int max)

      Requires the search to find a number of components within given range


      min - minimum number of components that should be found (inclusive)

      max - maximum number of components that should be found (inclusive)


      this element query instance for chaining


      IllegalArgumentException - if min or max are negative, or if min is greater than max

    • withMinResults

      public ComponentQuery<T> withMinResults(int min)

      Requires the search to find at least the given number of components


      min - minimum number of components that should be found (inclusive)


      this element query instance for chaining


      IllegalArgumentException - if min or max are negative, or if min is greater than max

    • withMaxResults

      public ComponentQuery<T> withMaxResults(int max)

      Requires the search to find at most the given number of components


      max - maximum number of components that should be found (inclusive)


      this element query instance for chaining


      IllegalArgumentException - if min or max are negative, or if min is greater than max

    • withAttribute

      public ComponentQuery<T> withAttribute(String attribute)

      Requires the search to find components with the given attribute set, independently of its value.


      attribute - the name of the attribute, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withAttribute

      public ComponentQuery<T> withAttribute(String attribute, String value)

      Requires the search to find components having the given attribute with exactly the expected value.


      attribute - the name of the attribute, not null

      value - value expected to be set on attribute, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withoutAttribute

      public ComponentQuery<T> withoutAttribute(String attribute)

      Requires the search to find components without the given attribute.


      attribute - the name of the attribute, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • withoutAttribute

      public ComponentQuery<T> withoutAttribute(String attribute, String value)

      Requires the search to find components having the given attribute value different from the provided one, or to not have the attribute at all.


      attribute - the name of the attribute, not null

      value - value expected not to be set on attribute, not null


      this element query instance for chaining

    • thenOnFirst

      public <E extends Component> ComponentQuery<E> thenOnFirst(Class<E> componentType)

      Gets a new ComponentQuery to search for given component type on the context of first matching component for current query.

      Type Parameters:

      E - the type of the component(s) to search for


      componentType - the type of the component(s) to search for


      a new query object, to search for nested components.


      NoSuchElementException - if first component is found

    • thenOn

      public <E extends Component> ComponentQuery<E> thenOn(int index, Class<E> componentType)

      Gets a new ComponentQuery to search for given component type on the context of the matching component at given index for current query. Index is 1-based. Given a zero or negative index or an index higher than the actual number of components found results in an IndexOutOfBoundsException.

      Type Parameters:

      E - the type of the component(s) to search for


      componentType - the type of the component(s) to search for


      a new query object, to search for nested components.


      IllegalArgumentException - if index is zero or negative

      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is greater than the number of found components

      NoSuchElementException - if current query does not produce results

      See Also:

    • single

      public T single()

      Executes the search against current context and returns the component, expecting to find exactly one. Exceptions are thrown if the search produces zero or more than one result.


      the component of the type specified in the constructor.


      NoSuchElementException - if not exactly one component is found

    • first

      public T first()

      Executes the search against current context and returns the first result.


      a component of the type specified in the constructor.


      NoSuchElementException - if no component is found

    • last

      public T last()

      Executes the search against current context and returns the last result.


      a component of the type specified in the constructor.


      NoSuchElementException - if no component is found

    • atIndex

      public T atIndex(int index)

      Executes the search against current context and returns the component at given index. Index is 1-based. Given a zero or negative index or an index higher than the actual number of components found results in an IndexOutOfBoundsException.


      the component of the type specified in the constructor.


      IllegalArgumentException - if index is zero or negative

      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if index is greater than the number of found components

      NoSuchElementException - if no component is found

    • id

      public T id(String id)

      Executes a search for a component with the given id.


      id - the id to look up


      the component with the given id


      NoSuchElementException - if no component is found

    • exists

      public boolean exists()

      Checks if this ComponentQuery describes existing components.


      true if components are found, otherwise false.

    • all

      public List<T> all()

      Executes the search against current context and returns a list of matching components.


      a list of found components, or an empty list if search does not produce results. Never null.

    • from

      public ComponentQuery<T> from(Component context)

      Sets the context to search inside. If a null value is given, the search will be performed againt the UI.


      context - a component used as starting element for search.


      this component query instance for chaining.

    • find

      protected T find()