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Package com.vaadin.testbench
Interface HasPlaceholder
All Superinterfaces:
, org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext
, org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot
, org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
All Known Implementing Classes:
, EmailFieldElement
, InputTextElement
, IntegerFieldElement
, NumberFieldElement
, PasswordFieldElement
, SelectElement
, TextAreaElement
, TextFieldElement
Implement by elements which support a placeholder, i.e. text shown when the field is empty.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.testbench.HasPropertySettersGetters
getProperty, getPropertyBoolean, getPropertyDouble, getPropertyElement, getPropertyElements, getPropertyInteger, getPropertyString, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty
Methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot
Methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
clear, click, findElement, findElements, getAccessibleName, getAriaRole, getAttribute, getCssValue, getDomAttribute, getDomProperty, getLocation, getRect, getShadowRoot, getSize, getTagName, getText, isDisplayed, isEnabled, isSelected, sendKeys, submit
Method Details
Gets the placeholder for the element.
the placeholder or an empty string if there is no placeholder