
Class ComponentEventBus


All Implemented Interfaces:


public class ComponentEventBus extends Object implements Serializable

An event bus for Components.

Handles adding and removing event listeners, and firing events of type ComponentEvent.

Events can either be fired manually through fireEvent(ComponentEvent) or automatically based on a DOM event (see DomEvent). Automatically fired events must have a suitable constructor, as defined in DomEvent.




Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • ComponentEventBus

      public ComponentEventBus(Component component)

      Creates an event bus for the given component.


      component - the component which will be used as a source for all fired events

  • Method Details

    • addListener

      public <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> Registration addListener(Class<T> eventType, ComponentEventListener<T> listener)

      Adds a listener for the given event type.

      Type Parameters:

      T - the event type


      eventType - the event type for which to call the listener

      listener - the listener to call when the event occurs


      an object which can be used to remove the event listener

    • addListener

      public <T extends ComponentEvent<?>> Registration addListener(Class<T> eventType, ComponentEventListener<T> listener, Consumer<DomListenerRegistration> domListenerConsumer)

      Adds a listener for the given event type, and customizes the corresponding DOM event listener with the given consumer. This allows overriding eg. the debounce settings defined in the DomEvent annotation.

      Note that customizing the DOM event listener works only for event types which are annotated with DomEvent. Use addListener(Class, ComponentEventListener) for other listeners, or if you don't need to customize the DOM listener.

      Type Parameters:

      T - the event type


      eventType - the event type for which to call the listener, must be annotated with DomEvent

      listener - the listener to call when the event occurs

      domListenerConsumer - a consumer to customize the behavior of the DOM event listener, not null


      an object which can be used to remove the event listener


      IllegalArgumentException - if the event type is not annotated with DomEvent

    • hasListener

      public boolean hasListener(Class<? extends ComponentEvent> eventType)

      Checks if there is at least one listener registered for the given event type.


      eventType - the component event type


      true if at least one listener is registered, false otherwise

    • getListeners

      public Collection<?> getListeners(Class<? extends ComponentEvent> eventType)

      Returns all listeners that match or extend the given event type.


      eventType - the component event type


      A collection with all registered listeners for a given event type. Empty if no listeners are found.

    • fireEvent

      public void fireEvent(ComponentEvent event)

      Dispatches the event to all listeners registered for the event type.


      event - the event to fire