
Annotation Interface EventData

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(PARAMETER) @Documented public @interface EventData

Maps data from a DOM event to a ComponentEvent.

This annotation should be added to parameters in the DOM event constructor in a ComponentEvent, mapped using @DomEvent. See the @DomEvent documentation for more information.

The annotation value() will be evaluated as JavaScript when the event is handled in the browser. The expression is evaluated in a context where element refers to the element for which the listener is registered and event refers to the fired event. The value of the expression is passed back to the server and injected into the annotated ComponentEvent constructor parameter.

Supported parameter types are String, JsonValue, Integer, Double, Boolean and their respective primitive types.




Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element

    A JavaScript expression that will be evaluated to collect data when an event is handled.