
Class DataSeriesItem

All Implemented Interfaces:


Direct Known Subclasses:

BoxPlotItem, DataSeriesItem3d, DataSeriesItemBullet, DataSeriesItemSankey, DataSeriesItemTimeline, DataSeriesItemXrange, FlagItem, OhlcItem, WaterFallSum

public class DataSeriesItem extends AbstractSeriesItem

The DataSeriesItem class represents a single entry in a DataSeries.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem()

      Creates an empty item, without values, colors, etc.

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(String name, Number y)

      Constructs an item with a name and a Y value


      name - Name of the item.

      y - Y-value of the item.

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(String name, Number y, Color color)

      Constructs an item with a name and a value on the Y-axis and assigns the specified color to the item.


      name - Name of the item.

      y - Y-value of the item.

      color - Color of the item.

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(Number x, Number y)

      Constructs an item with X and Y values


      x - X-value of the item.

      y - Y-value of the item.

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(Number x, Number y, Color color)

      Constructs an item with numerical values for the X and Y axes and assigns the specified color to the item.


      x - X-value of the item.

      y - Y-value of the item.

      color - Color of the item.

    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(Instant instant, Number y)

      Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given instant as X value and Y value.


      instant - Instant of the item, as its X-value.

      y - Y-value of the item.

    • DataSeriesItem

      @Deprecated public DataSeriesItem(Date date, Number y)
    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(Instant instant, Number low, Number high)

      Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given instant as X value with min and max values for use in range visualizations.


      instant - Instant of the item, as its X-value.

      low - Lower value for range visualization.

      high - Upper value for range visualization.

    • DataSeriesItem

      @Deprecated public DataSeriesItem(Date date, Number low, Number high)
    • DataSeriesItem

      public DataSeriesItem(Number x, Number low, Number high)

      Constructs a DataSeriesItem with the given X, min and max values for use in range visualizations.


      x - X-value of the item.

      low - Lower value for range visualization.

      high - Upper value for range visualization.

  • Method Details

    • setName

      public void setName(String name)

      Sets the name of the data item as shown in the legend, tooltip, dataLabel etc. Defaults to "".


      setName in class AbstractSeriesItem


      name - Name of the item.

    • setSliced

      public void setSliced(boolean sliced)

      Sets whether to display a slice offset from the center. Defaults to false. Note: This applies to pie charts only.


      setSliced in class AbstractSeriesItem


      sliced - When true, this item should be displayed with a small offset from the centre of the pie chart; when false, this item will be rendered normally.

    • isSelected

      public boolean isSelected()

      Checks whether or not the item is selected.


      true if the item is selected, false otherwise.

      See Also:

    • setSelected

      public void setSelected(Boolean selected)

      Sets whether the data item is selected or not.


      selected - Whether or not the item should be selected.

    • setId

      public void setId(String id)

      Sets the ID for the point. This can be used after rendering to get a reference to the point object. Defaults to null.


      setId in class AbstractSeriesItem


      id - New id.

    • setLegendIndex

      public void setLegendIndex(Number legendIndex)

      Sets the sequential index of the pie slice in the legend. Defaults to undefined. Note This applies to pie charts only.


      setLegendIndex in class AbstractSeriesItem


      legendIndex - Index in the legend.

    • setMarker

      public void setMarker(Marker marker)

      Sets the marker of this data series item


      setMarker in class AbstractSeriesItem


      marker - Marker of the item.

    • setColor

      public void setColor(Color color)

      Sets the individual color for the point. Defaults to null. This might not work for all chart types.


      setColor in class AbstractSeriesItem


      color - Color of the item.

    • setDial

      public void setDial(Dial dial)

      Sets the dial or arrow pointer of the gauge.

      Note This is only applicable for gauge charts.


      dial - Dial to use.

    • getDial

      public Dial getDial()

      Returns the current dial. This is only applicable for gauge charts.


      The dial or arrow pointer of a gauge chart. Only applicable for gauge charts.

      See Also:

    • isCustomized

      public boolean isCustomized()

      Checks if the data can be rendered in an optimized manner.


      true if the data series item can be rendered in optimized manner, false otherwise.

    • makeCustomized

      protected void makeCustomized()

      Marks the item as customized, so that it can be rendered in a more optimal way.

    • getLow

      public Number getLow()

      Returns the lower range for visualizations.


      The lower range.

    • setLow

      public void setLow(Number low)

      Sets the lower range for visualizations.


      low - New lower range.

    • getHigh

      public Number getHigh()

      Returns the upper range for visualizations.


      The upper range.

    • setHigh

      public void setHigh(Number high)

      Sets the upper range for visualizations.


      high - New upper range.

    • getDataLabels

      public DataLabels getDataLabels()



      See Also:

    • setDataLabels

      public void setDataLabels(DataLabels dataLabels)

      Set the label configuration for this item


      dataLabels -

    • getCursor

      public String getCursor()



      See Also:

    • setCursor

      public void setCursor(String cursor)

      Sets the cursor CSS attribute to be shown on mouse over

      Accepts CSS cursor values like: alias, all-scroll, auto, cell, context-menu, col-resize, copy, crosshair, default, e-resize, ew-resize, grab, grabbing, help, move, n-resize, ne-resize, nesw-resize, ns-resize, nw-resize, nwse-resize, no-drop, none, not-allowed, pointer, progress, row-resize, s-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, text, vertical-text, w-resize, wait, zoom-in, zoom-out

      Note that not all browsers have support for all values.


      cursor -

    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()

      See Also:

    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)

      Requires Accessibility module

      A description of the series to add to the screen reader information about the series.

      Defaults to: undefined