
Class GridDropEvent<T>


Type Parameters:

T - The Grid bean type.

All Implemented Interfaces:


@DomEvent("grid-drop") public class GridDropEvent<T> extends ComponentEvent<Grid<T>>

Drop event that occurs on the Grid or its rows.


Vaadin Ltd.

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • GridDropEvent

      public GridDropEvent(Grid<T> source, boolean fromClient, @EventData("event.detail.dropTargetItem") elemental.json.JsonObject item, @EventData("event.detail.dropLocation") String dropLocation, @EventData("event.detail.dragData") elemental.json.JsonArray dragData)

      Creates a grid drop event.


      source - Component that was dragged.

      fromClient - true if the event originated from the client side, false otherwise

      item - The item on which the drop occurred, from detail.dropTargetItem.

      dropLocation - Drop location from detail.dropLocation.

      dragData - Drag data from detail.dragData.

  • Method Details

    • getDropTargetItem

      public Optional<T> getDropTargetItem()

      Get the row the drop happened on.

      If the drop was not on top of a row (see getDropLocation()) or GridDropMode.ON_GRID is used, then returns an empty optional.


      The item of the row the drop happened on, or an empty optional if drop was not on a row

    • getDropLocation

      public GridDropLocation getDropLocation()

      Get the location of the drop within the row.

      NOTE: the location will be GridDropLocation.EMPTY if:

      • dropped on an empty grid
      • dropping on rows was not possible because of GridDropMode.ON_GRID was used
      • GridDropMode.ON_TOP is used and the drop happened on empty space after last row or on top of the header / footer


      location of the drop in relative to the getDropTargetItem() or GridDropLocation.EMPTY if no target row present

      See Also:

    • getDataTransferData

      public Optional<String> getDataTransferData(String type)

      Get data from the DataTransfer object.


      type - Data format, e.g. text/plain or text/uri-list.


      Optional data for the given format if exists in the DataTransfer, otherwise Optional.empty().

    • getDataTransferText

      public String getDataTransferText()

      Get data of any of the types "text", "Text" or "text/plain".

      IE 11 transfers data dropped from the desktop as "Text" while most other browsers transfer textual data as "text/plain".


      First existing data of types in order "text", "Text" or "text/plain", or null if none of them exist.

    • getDataTransferData

      public Map<String,String> getDataTransferData()

      Get all of the transfer data from the DataTransfer object. The data can be iterated to find the most relevant data as it preserves the order in which the data was set to the drag source element.


      Map of type/data pairs, containing all the data from the DataTransfer object.