
Interface InputField<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V>,V>

Type Parameters:

E - the type of the value change event fired by this instance

V - the value type

All Superinterfaces:

HasElement, HasEnabled, HasHelper, HasLabel, HasSize, HasStyle, HasTooltip, HasValue<E,V>, Serializable

All Known Implementing Classes:

AbstractNumberField, BigDecimalField, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, CustomField, DatePicker, DateTimePicker, EmailField, IntegerField, MultiSelectComboBox, NumberField, PasswordField, RadioButtonGroup, Select, TextArea, TextField, TextFieldBase, TimePicker

public interface InputField<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<V>,V> extends HasEnabled, HasHelper, HasLabel, HasSize, HasStyle, HasTooltip, HasValue<E,V>

A common interface for input fields that can be used to iterate over a collection of fields and set common properties.

The following interfaces are included:




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