Interface HasElement
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
, DropTarget<T>
, FlexComponent
, Focusable<T>
, HasAllowedCharPattern
, HasAriaLabel
, HasAutocapitalize
, HasAutocomplete
, HasAutocorrect
, HasAutoOpen
, HasClearButton
, HasComponents
, HasEnabled
, HasHelper
, HasItemComponents<T>
, HasItemComponents.ItemComponent<T>
, HasItemsAndComponents<T>
, HasLabel
, HasOrderedComponents
, HasOverlayClassName
, HasPlaceholder
, HasPrefix
, HasPrefixAndSuffix
, HasSize
, HasStyle
, HasSuffix
, HasText
, HasTheme
, HasThemeVariant<TVariantEnum>
, HasTooltip
, HasValidationProperties
, HasValueAndElement<E,
, InputField<E,
, MultiSelect<C,
, RouterLayout
, SingleSelect<C,
, ThemableLayout
All Known Implementing Classes:
, AbstractField
, AbstractIcon
, AbstractLogin
, AbstractNumberField
, AbstractRouteNotFoundError
, AbstractSinglePropertyField
, Accordion
, AccordionPanel
, Anchor
, AppLayout
, Article
, Aside
, Avatar
, AvatarGroup
, BigDecimalField
, Board
, Button
, Chart
, Checkbox
, CheckboxGroup
, CollaborationAvatarGroup
, CollaborationMessageInput
, CollaborationMessageList
, ComboBox
, ComboBoxBase
, Component
, Composite
, ConfirmDialog
, ContextMenu
, ContextMenuBase
, CookieConsent
, Crud
, CrudGrid
, CustomField
, Dashboard
, DashboardSection
, DashboardWidget
, DatePicker
, DateTimePicker
, DescriptionList
, DescriptionList.Description
, DescriptionList.Term
, Details
, Dialog
, Dialog.DialogFooter
, Dialog.DialogHeader
, Div
, DrawerToggle
, EmailField
, Emphasis
, FieldSet
, FieldSet.Legend
, FlexLayout
, FontIcon
, Footer
, FormLayout
, FormLayout.FormItem
, Grid
, Grid.Column
, GridContextMenu
, GridMenuItem
, GridPro
, GridPro.EditColumn
, GridSelectionColumn
, H1
, H2
, H3
, H4
, H5
, H6
, Header
, HorizontalLayout
, Hr
, Html
, HtmlComponent
, HtmlContainer
, HtmlObject
, Icon
, IFrame
, Image
, Input
, IntegerField
, InternalServerError
, Label
, ListBox
, ListBoxBase
, ListItem
, LitTemplate
, LoginForm
, LoginOverlay
, Main
, Map
, MapBase
, MenuBar
, MenuItem
, MenuItemBase
, MessageInput
, MessageList
, MultiSelectComboBox
, MultiSelectListBox
, NativeButton
, NativeDetails
, NativeDetails.Summary
, NativeLabel
, NativeTable
, NativeTableBody
, NativeTableCaption
, NativeTableCell
, NativeTableFooter
, NativeTableHeader
, NativeTableHeaderCell
, NativeTableRow
, Nav
, Notification
, NumberField
, OrderedList
, Paragraph
, Param
, PasswordField
, Popover
, Pre
, ProgressBar
, RadioButtonGroup
, RangeInput
, ReactAdapterComponent
, ReactRouterOutlet
, RichTextEditor
, RouteAccessDeniedError
, RouteNotFoundError
, RouterLink
, Row
, Scroller
, Section
, Select
, SideNav
, SideNavItem
, Span
, SplitLayout
, Svg
, SvgIcon
, Tab
, Tabs
, TabSheet
, Text
, TextArea
, TextField
, TextFieldBase
, TimePicker
, TreeGrid
, UI
, UI.ClientViewPlaceholder
, UnorderedList
, Upload
, VerticalLayout
, VirtualList
, WebComponentUI
, WebComponentWrapper
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.
Marker interface for any class which is based on an Element
Vaadin Ltd
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets the element associated with this instance.
Method Details
Element getElement()Gets the element associated with this instance.
the element associated with this instance