
Class GridDataView<T>


Type Parameters:

T - the item type

All Implemented Interfaces:

DataView<T>, Serializable

public class GridDataView<T> extends AbstractDataView<T>

Implementation of generic data view for grid.


See Also:

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getItem

      public T getItem(int index)

      Description copied from interface: DataView

      Gets the item at the given index from the data available to the component. Data is filtered and sorted the same way as in the component.


      index - item index number


      item on index

    • getSupportedDataProviderType

      protected Class<?> getSupportedDataProviderType()

      Description copied from class: AbstractDataView

      Returns supported DataProvider type for this DataView.

      Specified by:

      getSupportedDataProviderType in class AbstractDataView<T>


      supported data provider type

    • getItems

      public Stream<T> getItems()

      Description copied from interface: DataView

      Get the full data available to the component. Data is filtered and sorted the same way as in the component.

      Consumers of the returned stream are responsible for closing it when all the stream operations are done to ensure that any resources feeding the stream are properly released. Failure to close the stream might lead to resource leaks.

      It is strongly recommended to use a try-with-resources block to automatically close the stream after its terminal operation has been executed. Below is an example of how to properly use and close the stream:

       try (Stream<T> stream = dataView.getItems()) {
           stream.forEach(System.out::println); // Example terminal operation

      Specified by:

      getItems in interface DataView<T>


      getItems in class AbstractDataView<T>


      filtered and sorted data set

    • setIdentifierProvider

      public void setIdentifierProvider(IdentifierProvider<T> identifierProvider)

      Description copied from interface: DataView

      Sets an identifier provider, which returns an identifier for the given item. The identifier is used for comparing the equality of items. Usage example: dataView.setIdentifiedProvider(Item::getId);.

      Specified by:

      setIdentifierProvider in interface DataView<T>


      setIdentifierProvider in class AbstractDataView<T>


      identifierProvider - function that returns the non-null identifier for a given item