
Class CssBundler

public class CssBundler extends Object

Utility methods to handle application theme CSS content.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.

  • Constructor Details

    • CssBundler

      public CssBundler()
  • Method Details

    • inlineImports

      @Deprecated public static String inlineImports(File themeFolder, File cssFile) throws IOException
      this method does not resolve theme assets, use inlineImports(File, File, JsonObject) instead.

      Recurse over CSS import and inlines all ot them into a single CSS block.

      Unresolvable imports are put on the top of the resulting code, because @import statements must come before any other CSS instruction, otherwise the import is ignored by the browser.

      Along with import resolution and code inline, URLs (url('image.png') referencing theme resources rewritten to be correctly served by Vaadin at runtime.


      themeFolder - location of theme folder on the filesystem.

      cssFile - the CSS file to process.


      the processed stylesheet content, with inlined imports and rewritten URLs.


      IOException - if filesystem resources can not be read.

    • inlineImports

      public static String inlineImports(File themeFolder, File cssFile, elemental.json.JsonObject themeJson) throws IOException

      Recurse over CSS import and inlines all ot them into a single CSS block.

      Unresolvable imports are put on the top of the resulting code, because @import statements must come before any other CSS instruction, otherwise the import is ignored by the browser.

      Along with import resolution and code inline, URLs (url('image.png') referencing theme resources or assets are rewritten to be correctly served by Vaadin at runtime.


      themeFolder - location of theme folder on the filesystem.

      cssFile - the CSS file to process.

      themeJson - the theme configuration, usually stored in theme.json file.


      the processed stylesheet content, with inlined imports and rewritten URLs.


      IOException - if filesystem resources can not be read.