
Class Hotswapper


All Implemented Interfaces:

ServiceDestroyListener, SessionDestroyListener, SessionInitListener, UIInitListener, Serializable

Entry point for application classes hot reloads.

This class is meant to be used in combination with class live reloading tools like JRebel, Hotswap agent and Spring Boot Developer Tools, to immediately apply changes on components that should be updated when classes have been added or modified. Currently, class deletion is not supported because of issues with several hotswap agents.

Hotswap tools should obtain an instance of this class by calling the register(VaadinService) method, providing an active VaadinService instance. For example, an agent can inject the following code at the beginning of the VaadinService.init() method:

The component delegates specific hotswap logic to registered implementors of VaadinHotswapper interface.

For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.




Vaadin Ltd

See Also: