
Class FontIcon

All Implemented Interfaces:

AttachNotifier, ClickNotifier<FontIcon>, DetachNotifier, HasElement, HasStyle, HasTooltip, Serializable

public class FontIcon extends AbstractIcon<FontIcon>

Component for displaying an icon from a font icon collection. Note that the icon font must be loaded separately. One way to do this is by including it in the application's theme.


Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • FontIcon

      public FontIcon()

      Default constructor. Creates an empty font icon.

    • FontIcon

      public FontIcon(String... iconClassNames)

      Creates a font icon component with the given icon class names. Example: new FontIcon("fa-solid", "fa-user").


      iconClassNames - The icon class names, not null

      See Also:

  • Method Details

    • setIconClassNames

      public void setIconClassNames(String... iconClassNames)

      Sets the icon class names defining an icon font and/or a specific glyph inside an icon font. Example: setIconClassNames("fa-solid", "fa-user").


      iconClassNames - The icon class names, not null

    • getIconClassNames

      public String[] getIconClassNames()

      Gets the icon class names defining an icon font and/or a specific glyph inside an icon font.


      The icon class names

    • setFontFamily

      public void setFontFamily(String fontFamily)

      Sets the font family to use for the font icon.


      fontFamily - the font family to use

    • getFontFamily

      public String getFontFamily()

      Gets the font family to use for the font icon.


      the font family to use

    • setCharCode

      public void setCharCode(String charCode)

      Sets the hexadecimal code point that specifies a glyph from an icon font. Example: setCharCode("e001")


      charCode - the character code to use

    • getCharCode

      public String getCharCode()

      Gets the hexadecimal code point that specifies a glyph from an icon font.


      the character code to use

    • setLigature

      public void setLigature(String ligature)

      Sets the ligature name that specifies an icon from an icon font with support for ligatures. Example: setLigature("home")


      ligature - the ligature to use

    • getLigature

      public String getLigature()

      Gets the ligature name that specifies an icon from an icon font with support for ligatures.


      the ligature to use

    • setColor

      public void setColor(String color)

      Description copied from class: AbstractIcon

      Sets the color of the icon.

      The color should be in a format understood by the browser, e.g. "orange", "#FF9E2C" or "rgb(255, 158, 44)".

      Specified by:

      setColor in class AbstractIcon<FontIcon>


      color - the color to set, may be null to clear the value

    • getColor

      public String getColor()

      Description copied from class: AbstractIcon

      Gets the color of this icon as a String.

      Specified by:

      getColor in class AbstractIcon<FontIcon>


      the color of the icon, or null if the color has not been set