
Interface HasText

All Superinterfaces:

HasElement, Serializable

All Known Implementing Classes:

Anchor, Article, Aside, Button, DescriptionList, DescriptionList.Description, DescriptionList.Term, Div, DrawerToggle, Emphasis, FieldSet, FieldSet.Legend, Footer, GridMenuItem, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, Header, HtmlContainer, HtmlObject, Image, Label, ListItem, Main, MenuItem, MenuItemBase, NativeButton, NativeDetails.Summary, NativeLabel, NativeTable, NativeTableBody, NativeTableCaption, NativeTableCell, NativeTableFooter, NativeTableHeader, NativeTableHeaderCell, NativeTableRow, Nav, OrderedList, Paragraph, Pre, RouterLink, Section, Span, Text, UnorderedList

public interface HasText extends HasElement

A component that supports text content.

HasText is generally implemented by components whose primary function is to have textual content. It isn't implemented for example by layouts since setText(String) will remove all existing child components and child elements. To mix text and child components in a component that also supports child components, use HasComponents.add(Component...) with the Text component for the textual parts.

The default implementations set the text as text content of HasElement.getElement(). Override all methods in this interface if the text should be added to some other element.




Vaadin Ltd

  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 

    Represents "white-space" style values.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String

    Gets the text content of this component.

    Gets the "white-space" style value.

    default void

    Sets the given string as the content of this component.

    default void

    Sets the given value as "white-space" style value.

    Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.flow.component.HasElement

  • Method Details

    • setText

      default void setText(String text)

      Sets the given string as the content of this component. This removes any existing child components and child elements. To mix text and child components in a component that also supports child components, use HasComponents.add(Component...) with the Text component for the textual parts.


      text - the text content to set

    • getText

      default String getText()

      Gets the text content of this component. This method only considers the text of the actual component. The text contents of any child components or elements are not considered.


      the text content of this component, not null

    • setWhiteSpace

      default void setWhiteSpace(HasText.WhiteSpace value)

      Sets the given value as "white-space" style value.


      value - the "white-space" style value, not null

    • getWhiteSpace

      default HasText.WhiteSpace getWhiteSpace()

      Gets the "white-space" style value.

      The default value is WhiteSpace#NORMAL. If the "white-space" style value is non standard then null is returned.


      the "white-space" style value, may be null