
Annotation Interface AccessDeniedErrorRouter

@Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface AccessDeniedErrorRouter

Annotation for customizing route specific rerouting of access denied error in AnnotatedViewAccessChecker. Annotation is to be used together with @Route, or if present, together with access annotation listed here:

  • @AnonymousAllowed
  • @PermitAll
  • @RolesAllowed
  • @DenyAll
For example, following TestView and SubView routes would reroute user without "admin" role to CustomAccessDeniedError error page:
 @AccessDeniedErrorRouter(rerouteToError = CustomAccessDeniedException.class)
 public class TestView extends Div {

 @AccessDeniedErrorRouter(rerouteToError = CustomAccessDeniedException.class)
 public class ParentView extends Div {

 public class SubView extends ParentView {

 public class CustomAccessDeniedException extends RuntimeException {

 public class CustomAccessDeniedError
         implements HasErrorParameter<CustomAccessDeniedException> {

     public int setErrorParameter(BeforeEnterEvent event,
             ErrorParameter<CustomAccessDeniedException> parameter) {
         getElement().setText("Access denied.");
         return HttpStatusCode.UNAUTHORIZED.getCode();

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element

    Reroute access denied error by the given exception.

  • Element Details

    • rerouteToError

      Class<? extends RuntimeException> rerouteToError

      Reroute access denied error by the given exception. Exception is AccessDeniedException by default. It can be changed to other exception like NotFoundException or any other exception mapped to HasErrorParameter error view.


      Type of the access denied exception for the access denied error view.

