Class BinderValidationStatus<BEAN>


Type Parameters:

BEAN - the bean type of the binder

All Implemented Interfaces:


public class BinderValidationStatus<BEAN> extends Object implements Serializable

Binder validation status change. Represents the outcome of binder level validation. Has information about the validation results for the field level and binder level validation.

Note: if there are any field level validation errors, the bean level validation is not run.

Note: if the status change is triggered via automatic validation due to a changed field value, the field validation statuses will only cover the changed fields.

Use Binder.setValidationStatusHandler(BinderValidationStatusHandler) to handle form level validation status changes.




Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • BinderValidationStatus

      public BinderValidationStatus(Binder<BEAN> source, List<BindingValidationStatus<?>> bindingStatuses, List<ValidationResult> binderStatuses)

      Creates a new binder validation status for the given binder and validation results.


      source - the source binder

      bindingStatuses - the validation results for the fields

      binderStatuses - the validation results for binder level validation

  • Method Details

    • createUnresolvedStatus

      public static <BEAN> BinderValidationStatus<BEAN> createUnresolvedStatus(Binder<BEAN> source)

      Convenience method for creating a unresolved validation status for the given binder.

      In practice this status means that the values might not be valid, but validation errors should be hidden.

      Type Parameters:

      BEAN - the bean type of the binder


      source - the source binder


      a unresolved validation status

    • isOk

      public boolean isOk()

      Gets whether validation for the binder passed or not.


      true if validation has passed, false if not

    • hasErrors

      public boolean hasErrors()

      Gets whether the validation for the binder failed or not.


      true if validation failed, false if validation passed

    • getBinder

      public Binder<BEAN> getBinder()

      Gets the source binder of the status.


      the source binder

    • getValidationErrors

      public List<ValidationResult> getValidationErrors()

      Gets both field and bean level validation errors.


      a list of all validation errors

    • getFieldValidationStatuses

      public List<BindingValidationStatus<?>> getFieldValidationStatuses()

      Gets the field level validation statuses.

      The field level validtors have been added with Binder.BindingBuilder.withValidator(Validator).


      the field validation statuses

    • getBeanValidationResults

      public List<ValidationResult> getBeanValidationResults()

      Gets the bean level validation results.


      the bean level validation results

    • getFieldValidationErrors

      public List<BindingValidationStatus<?>> getFieldValidationErrors()

      Gets the failed field level validation statuses.

      The field level validtors have been added with Binder.BindingBuilder.withValidator(Validator).


      a list of failed field level validation statuses

    • getBeanValidationErrors

      public List<ValidationResult> getBeanValidationErrors()

      Gets the failed bean level validation results.


      a list of failed bean level validation results

    • notifyBindingValidationStatusHandlers

      public void notifyBindingValidationStatusHandlers()

      Notifies all validation status handlers in bindings.

      See Also:

    • notifyBindingValidationStatusHandlers

      public void notifyBindingValidationStatusHandlers(SerializablePredicate<BindingValidationStatus<?>> filter)

      Notifies validation status handlers for bindings that pass given filter. The filter should return true for each BindingValidationStatus that should be delegated to the status handler in the binding.


      filter - the filter to select bindings to run status handling for

      See Also: