Package com.vaadin.flow.component
An abstract field class that is backed by a composite component.
An abstract implementation of a field, or a
allowing user input.Value change event fired by components.
Abstract field that is based on a single element property.
Event fired after a
is attached to the UI.Mixin interface for components that support adding attach listeners.
BlurNotifier<T extends Component>Mixin interface to handle blur events on components.
BlurNotifier.BlurEvent<C extends Component>Represents the DOM event "blur".
ClickEvent<C extends Component>Event fired when a component is clicked.
ClickNotifier<T extends Component>Mixin interface for components that support adding click listeners to the their root elements.
Publishes the annotated method so it can be invoked from the client side using the notation
.ComponentEvent<T extends Component>An event whose source is a
.An event bus for
s.Static helpers and caching functionality for
.ComponentEventListener<T extends ComponentEvent<?>>Generic listener for component events.
Utility methods for
.A composite encapsulates a
tree to allow creation of new components by composing existing components.The event when a composition is ended.
Mixin interface for components that support adding composition listeners to the their root elements.
The event when a composition is started.
The event when a composition is updated.
Debounce settings for declaratively defined client-side event handlers.
Event fired before a
is detached from the UI.Mixin interface for components that support adding detach listeners.
Specifies the direction of the text and other content inside of an element.
Maps a DOM event to a
.Maps data from a DOM event to a
.Represents a component that can gain and lose focus.
FocusNotifier<T extends Component>Mixin interface to handle focus events on components.
FocusNotifier.FocusEvent<C extends Component>Represents the DOM event "focus".
A generic interface for components and other user interface objects that may have an aria-label and an aria-labelledby DOM attributes to set the accessible name of the component.
A component to which the user can add and remove child components.
Marker interface for any class which is based on an
.A generic interface for components and other user interface objects that may be enabled or disabled.
Mixin interface for field components that have helper text as property and slots for inserting components.
A component that supports label definition.
A component which the children components are ordered, so the index of each child matters for the layout.
A component which supports a placeholder.
Any component implementing this interface supports setting the size of the component using
, andHasSize.setMinHeight(String)
which has class attribute and inline styles.A component that supports text content.
style values.Represents
which has theme attribute.A component that supports input validation.
A generic interface for field components and other user interface objects that have a user-editable value.
An event fired when the value of a
changes.HasValue.ValueChangeListener<E extends HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<?>>A listener for value change events.
A component that has a value.
Event created for an application heartbeat from the client.
Listener for listening to the heartbeat of the application.
A component which encapsulates a given HTML fragment with a single root element.
Base class for a
that represents a single built-in HTML element.Base class for a
that represents a single built-in HTML element that can contain child components or text.Event fired when the component has received any type of input (e.g.
Mixin interface for components that support adding input listeners to the their root elements.
can be used to customize the string shown to the user for an item.Base interface for classes that are serializable to and from
.An interface to represent keyboard keys.
The event when a key is pressed.
KeyEventListener<E extends KeyboardEvent>A conditional event listener for
s.Possible keyboard key locations.
Modifier keys.
Mixin interface for components that support adding key event listeners to the their root elements.
The event when a key is pressed.
The event when a key is released.
Methods annotated with
are mapped to the original webcomponent implementation, but not supported at Java level.An event that is fired whenever a client polls the server for asynchronous UI updates.
The interface for adding and removing
listeners.PropertyDescriptor<S,G> Describes a component property that has its value stored in some form in the component's element, typically an element property or attribute.
Factory methods for creating
instances.Provides method for configuring the push channel.
Provides methods for configuring the reconnect dialog.
Options for scrollIntoView.
Alignment for scrollIntoView.
Scroll behavior for scrollIntoView.
Event when shortcut is detected.
Listener for shortcut events.
A registration object for both configuring and removing the registered keyboard shortcut.
Collections of methods for configuring more complex Shortcut interactions.
A component that displays a given SVG image.
Annotates getters for which properties should be synchronized to the server.
Defines the tag to use for the root element for a component created using the default
constructor.A component which encapsulates the given text in a text node.
The topmost component in any component hierarchy.
Event fired by the client to request a refresh of the user interface, by re-navigating to the current route.
Placeholder view when navigating from server-side views to client-side views.
Exception thrown if the UI has been detached when it should not be.
Enum of supported units in Css sizes.
WebComponentExporter<C extends Component>Exports a
as a web component.Produces
instances from eitherWebComponentExporter
classes or instances.WebComponentExporterFactory<C extends Component>Exports a
as a web component.Default factory implementation which uses an exporter class to instantiate it using its default constructor.