An interface to configure application features and the host page where the Vaadin application is running.
Defines the body size that will be added to the HTML of the host pages.
Event that is fired when a browser window containing a uI is resized.
Listener that gets notified when the size of the browser window containing the uI has changed.
Provides extended information about the web browser, such as screen resolution and time zone.
in the browser.Event fired when the history state has changed.
Handles location change events.
Defines files to inline into the initial page.
Internal annotation to enable use of multiple
annotations.Inline position enum.
File content wrapping enum.
Provides method for configuring the loading indicator.
Defines a meta tag with customized name and content that will be added to the HTML of the host page of a UI class.
Internal annotation to enable use of multiple
annotations.Represents the web page open in the browser, containing the UI it is connected to.
Callback for receiving extended client-side details.
A pending result from a JavaScript snippet sent to the browser for evaluation.
Exception used when a
returned fromPendingJavaScriptResult
is completed exceptionally because of a client-side error.Configures automatic server push.
Page target element enum for inlining during bootstrap creation.
Defines a viewport tag that will be added to the HTML of the host page of a UI class.
Wrapper for similarly named Browser API.
This callback is notified after the value has been retrieved from the client side.