Interface ListDataView<T,V extends ListDataView<T,?>>

Type Parameters:

T - data type

V - ListDataView type

All Superinterfaces:

DataView<T>, Serializable

All Known Implementing Classes:

AbstractListDataView, CheckboxGroupListDataView, ComboBoxListDataView, GridListDataView, ListBoxListDataView, RadioButtonGroupListDataView, SelectListDataView

public interface ListDataView<T,V extends ListDataView<T,?>> extends DataView<T>

DataView for a in-memory list data that provides information on the data and allows operations on it. Mutation operations can be used only if the backing List is mutable.


  • Method Details

    • contains

      boolean contains(T item)

      Check if item is present in the currently filtered data set.

      By default, equals method implementation of the item is used for identity check. If a custom data provider is used, then the DataProvider.getId(Object) method is used instead. Item's custom identity can be set up with a DataView.setIdentifierProvider(IdentifierProvider).


      item - item to search for


      true if item is found in filtered data set

      See Also:

    • getItemCount

      int getItemCount()

      Get the full item count with filters if any set. As the item count might change at any point, it is recommended to add a listener with the DataView.addItemCountChangeListener(ComponentEventListener) method instead to get notified when the item count has changed.


      filtered item count

      See Also:

    • getNextItem

      Optional<T> getNextItem(T item)

      Gets the item after given item from the filtered and sorted data.

      Note! Item might be present in the data set, but be filtered out or be the last item so that the next item won't be available.


      item - item to get next for


      next item if available, else empty optional if item doesn't exist or not in current filtered items

      See Also:

    • getPreviousItem

      Optional<T> getPreviousItem(T item)

      Gets the item before given item from the filtered and sorted data.

      Note! Item might be present in the data set, but be filtered out or be the first item so that the previous item won't be available.


      item - item to get previous for


      previous item if available, else empty optional if item doesn't exist or not in current filtered items

      See Also:

    • addItem

      V addItem(T item)

      Adds an item to the data list if it is not already present.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      item - item to add


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      See Also:

    • addItemAfter

      V addItemAfter(T item, T after)

      Adds an item after the given target item.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      If the item is already present in the data provider, then it is moved.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Note! Item is added to the unfiltered and unsorted List.


      item - item to add

      after - item after which to add the item at


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      IllegalArgumentException - if item doesn't exist or collection is not a list

      See Also:

    • addItemBefore

      V addItemBefore(T item, T before)

      Adds an item before the given target item.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      If the item is already present in the data provider, then it is moved.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Note! Item is added to the unfiltered and unsorted List.


      item - item to add

      before - item before which to add the item at


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      IllegalArgumentException - if item doesn't exist or collection is not a list

      See Also:

    • addItems

      V addItems(Collection<T> items)

      Adds multiple items to the data list.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      Any items that already present in the data provider are moved to the end.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the items, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      items - collection of item to add


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      See Also:

    • addItemsAfter

      V addItemsAfter(Collection<T> items, T after)

      Adds multiple items after the given target item. The full collection is added in order after the target.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception. Any items that already present in the data provider are moved.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Note! Item is added to the unfiltered and unsorted List.


      items - collection of items to add

      after - item after which to add the item at


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      IllegalArgumentException - if item doesn't exist or collection is not a list

      See Also:

    • addItemsBefore

      V addItemsBefore(Collection<T> items, T before)

      Adds multiple items before the given target item. The full collection is added in order before the target.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      Any items that already present in the data provider are moved.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Note! Item is added to the unfiltered and unsorted List.


      items - collection of items to add

      before - item before which to add the item at


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      IllegalArgumentException - if item doesn't exist or collection is not a list

      See Also:

    • removeItem

      V removeItem(T item)

      Remove an item from the data list.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.

      Refreshes all items of the component after removing the item, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      item - item to remove


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      See Also:

    • removeItems

      V removeItems(Collection<T> items)

      Remove multiple items from the data list.

      The backing List must be mutable to use this method. Immutable data structure will throw an exception.


      items - collection of items to remove


      this ListDataView instance


      UnsupportedOperationException - if backing collection doesn't support modification

      See Also:

    • setFilter

      V setFilter(SerializablePredicate<T> filter)

      Sets a filter to be applied to the data. The filter replaces any filter that has been set or added previously. null will clear all filters.

      This filter is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a filter through data view of another component. A filter set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after setting the filter, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      filter - filter to be set, or null to clear any previously set filters


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • addFilter

      V addFilter(SerializablePredicate<T> filter)

      Adds a filter to be applied to all queries. The filter will be used in addition to any filter that has been set or added previously.

      This filter is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a filter through data view of another component. A filter set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the filter, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      filter - the filter to add, not null


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • removeFilters

      V removeFilters()

      Removes all in-memory filters set or added.

      Refreshes all items of the component after removing the filter, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • setSortComparator

      V setSortComparator(SerializableComparator<T> sortComparator)

      Sets the comparator to use as the default sorting. This overrides the sorting set by any other method that manipulates the default sorting.

      This comparator is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a sort comparator through data view of another component. A sorting set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after setting the sorting, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      sortComparator - a comparator to use, or null to clear any previously set sort order


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • addSortComparator

      V addSortComparator(SerializableComparator<T> sortComparator)

      Adds a comparator to the data default sorting. If no default sorting has been defined, then the provided comparator will be used as the default sorting. If a default sorting has been defined, then the provided comparator will be used to determine the ordering of items that are considered equal by the previously defined default sorting.

      This comparator is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a sort comparator through data view of another component. A sorting set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the sorting, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      sortComparator - a comparator to add, not null


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • removeSorting

      V removeSorting()

      Removes any default sorting that has been set or added previously.

      Any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by removing default sorting through data view of another component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after removing the sorting, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • setSortOrder

      <V1 extends Comparable<? super V1>> V setSortOrder(ValueProvider<T,V1> valueProvider, SortDirection sortDirection)

      Sets the property and direction to use as the default sorting. This overrides the sorting set by any other method that manipulates the default sorting of this DataProvider.

      This sort order is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a sort order through data view of another component. A sort order set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after setting the sorting, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Type Parameters:

      V1 - the provided value type


      valueProvider - the value provider that defines the property do sort by, not null

      sortDirection - the sort direction to use, not null


      ListDataView instance

      See Also:

    • addSortOrder

      <V1 extends Comparable<? super V1>> V addSortOrder(ValueProvider<T,V1> valueProvider, SortDirection sortDirection)

      Adds a property and direction to the default sorting. If no default sorting has been defined, then the provided sort order will be used as the default sorting. If a default sorting has been defined, then the provided sort order will be used to determine the ordering of items that are considered equal by the previously defined default sorting.

      This sort order is bound to the component. Thus, any other component using the same DataProvider object would not be affected by setting a sort sort through data view of another component. A sorting set by this method won't be retained when a new DataProvider is set to the component.

      Refreshes all items of the component after adding the sorting, i.e. runs DataView.refreshAll().

      Type Parameters:

      V1 - the provided value type


      valueProvider - the value provider that defines the property do sort by, not null

      sortDirection - the sort direction to use, not null


      ListDataView instance

      See Also: