
Annotation Interface Menu

Defines menu information for a route for automatically populated menu.

Menu is used together with Route to include it automatically in Hilla application's main menu, but only if server route is accessible and frontend/views/@layout.tsx is used with createMenuItems() function to build the menu.

See Also:

  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element

    Icon to use in the menu.


    Used to determine the order in the menu.

    Title to use in the menu.

  • Element Details

    • title

      String title

      Title to use in the menu. Falls back the page title if not defined.


      the title of the item in the menu. Empty String by default.



    • order

      double order

      Used to determine the order in the menu. Ties are resolved based on the used title. Entries without explicitly defined ordering are put below entries with an order. Double.MIN_VALUE is the default value and considered as undefined.


      the order of the item in the menu. Double.MIN_VALUE by default.



    • icon

      String icon

      Icon to use in the menu. Value can go inside a <vaadin-icon> element's icon attribute which accepts icon group and name like 'vaadin:file'. Or it can go to a <vaadin-icon> element's src attribute which takes path to the icon. E.g. 'line-awesome/svg/lock-open-solid.svg'.


      A String for an icon. Empty String by default.

