
Class Hotswapper


All Implemented Interfaces:


public class Hotswapper extends Object implements VaadinHotswapper

Takes care of updating internals of Hilla that need updates when application classes are updated.

  • Constructor Details

    • Hotswapper

      public Hotswapper()
  • Method Details

    • onClassLoadEvent

      public boolean onClassLoadEvent(VaadinService vaadinService, Set<Class<?>> classes, boolean redefined)

      Description copied from interface: VaadinHotswapper

      Called by Vaadin hotswap entry point when one or more application classes have been updated.

      This method is meant to perform application-wide updates. Operation targeting Vaadin session should be implemented in VaadinHotswapper.onClassLoadEvent(VaadinSession, Set, boolean) method.

      Specified by:

      onClassLoadEvent in interface VaadinHotswapper


      vaadinService - active VaadinService instance.

      classes - the set of changed classes.

      redefined - true if the classes have been redefined by hotswap mechanism, false if they have been loaded for the first time by the ClassLoader.


      true if a browser page reload is required, false otherwise.

      See Also:

    • onHotswap

      public static void onHotswap(Boolean redefined, String[] changedClasses)

      Called by hot swap solutions when one or more classes have been updated.

      The hot swap solution should not pre-filter the classes but pass everything to this method.


      redefined - true if the class was redefined, false if it was loaded for the first time

      changedClasses - the classes that have been added or modified

    • markInUse

      public static void markInUse()
    • isInUse

      public static boolean isInUse()