Interface HasDataView<T,F,V extends DataView<T>>

Type Parameters:

T - data type

F - filter type

V - DataView type

All Superinterfaces:


All Known Implementing Classes:

CheckboxGroup, ComboBox, ComboBoxBase, CrudGrid, Grid, GridPro, ListBox, ListBoxBase, MultiSelectComboBox, MultiSelectListBox, RadioButtonGroup, Select, TreeGrid

public interface HasDataView<T,F,V extends DataView<T>> extends Serializable

An interface for components that get items from the generic data provider types DataProvider and InMemoryDataProvider. The methods return a DataView which has the generic API for getting information on the items.


  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type

    Get the DataView for the component.

    setItems(DataProvider<T,F> dataProvider)

    Set a generic data provider for the component to use and returns the base DataView that provides API to get information on the items.

    Sets an in-memory data provider for the component to use