Interface HasElementQuery
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
, AbstractBrowserTestBase
, AccordionElement
, AccordionPanelElement
, AnchorElement
, AppLayoutElement
, AvatarElement
, AvatarGroupElement
, BigDecimalFieldElement
, BoardElement
, BrowserTestBase
, ButtonElement
, ChartElement
, CheckboxElement
, CheckboxGroupElement
, ComboBoxElement
, ConfirmDialogElement
, ContextMenuElement
, CookieConsentElement
, CrudElement
, CustomFieldElement
, DashboardElement
, DashboardSectionElement
, DashboardWidgetElement
, DatePickerElement
, DatePickerElement.MonthCalendarElement
, DatePickerElement.OverlayContentElement
, DatePickerElement.WeekdayElement
, DateTimePickerElement
, DescriptionListElement
, DetailsElement
, DialogElement
, DivElement
, DrawerToggleElement
, EmailFieldElement
, EmphasisElement
, FormLayoutElement
, GridElement
, GridProElement
, GridTHTDElement
, GridTHTDElement
, GridTRElement
, GridTRElement
, H1Element
, H2Element
, H3Element
, H4Element
, H5Element
, H6Element
, HorizontalLayoutElement
, HrElement
, IconElement
, ImageElement
, InputTextElement
, IntegerFieldElement
, LabelElement
, ListBoxElement
, ListItemElement
, LoginFormElement
, LoginOverlayElement
, MenuBarElement
, MessageElement
, MessageInputElement
, MessageListElement
, MultiSelectComboBoxElement
, NativeButtonElement
, NativeDetailsElement
, NativeLabelElement
, NativeTableBodyElement
, NativeTableCaptionElement
, NativeTableCellElement
, NativeTableElement
, NativeTableFooterElement
, NativeTableHeaderCellElement
, NativeTableHeaderElement
, NativeTableRowElement
, NotificationElement
, NumberFieldElement
, OrderedListElement
, ParagraphElement
, ParallelTest
, PasswordFieldElement
, PopoverElement
, PreElement
, ProgressBarElement
, RadioButtonElement
, RadioButtonGroupElement
, RangeInputElement
, RichTextEditorElement
, RowElement
, ScrollerElement
, SelectElement
, SelectElement
, SelectElement.ItemElement
, SideNavElement
, SideNavItemElement
, SpanElement
, SplitLayoutElement
, TabElement
, TabsElement
, TabSheetElement
, TestBenchElement
, TestBenchTestCase
, TextAreaElement
, TextFieldElement
, TimePickerElement
, TimePickerElement.TimePickerComboBoxElement
, TimePickerElement.TimePickerOverlayElement
, TreeGridElement
, UnorderedListElement
, UploadElement
, VerticalLayoutElement
, VirtualListElement
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <T extends TestBenchElement>
ElementQuery<T>Prepare a
instance to use for locating components on the client.default ElementQuery<TestBenchElement>
Prepare a
instance to use for locating components on the client.Methods inherited from interface com.vaadin.testbench.HasSearchContext
Method Details
Prepare a
instance to use for locating components on the client. The returned object can be manipulated to uniquely identify the sought-after object. If this function gets called through an element, it uses the element as its search context. Otherwise the search context is the driver.Type Parameters:
- the type of the queriedTestBenchElement
- the type of element to find, with the tag name defined using@Element
on the classReturns:
an appropriate
instance -
Prepare a
instance to use for locating components on the client. The returned object can be manipulated to uniquely identify the sought-after object. If this function gets called through an element, it uses the element as its search context. Otherwise the search context is the driver.Parameters:
- the tag name of the element to findReturns:
an appropriate