
Class Grid.Column<T>


Type Parameters:

T - type of the underlying grid this column is compatible with

All Implemented Interfaces:

AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, HasStyle, Serializable

Direct Known Subclasses:


Enclosing class:


@Tag("vaadin-grid-column") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter", version="24.7.0-alpha7") @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/style-modules.js") public static class Grid.Column<T> extends Component

Server-side component for the <vaadin-grid-column> element.

Every added column sends data to the client side regardless of its visibility state. Don't add a new column at all or use Grid.removeColumn(Column) to avoid sending extra data.

See Also:

  • Field Details

    • grid

      protected final Grid<?> grid
  • Constructor Details

    • Column

      public Column(Grid<T> grid, String columnId, Renderer<T> renderer)

      Constructs a new Column for use inside a Grid.


      grid - the grid this column is attached to

      columnId - unique identifier of this column

      renderer - the renderer to use in this column, must not be null

  • Method Details

    • destroyDataGenerators

      protected void destroyDataGenerators()
    • getInternalId

      protected String getInternalId()
    • getRenderer

      public Renderer<T> getRenderer()

      Get the renderer used for this column.

      Note: Mutating the renderer after the Grid has been rendered on the client will not change the column, and can lead to undefined behavior.


      the renderer used for this column, should never be null

    • setRenderer

      public Grid.Column<T> setRenderer(Renderer<T> renderer)

      Set the renderer for this column.


      renderer - the new renderer to be used for this column, must not be null



    • setWidth

      public Grid.Column<T> setWidth(String width)

      Sets the width of this column as a CSS-string.

      Please note that using the em length unit is discouraged as it might lead to misalignment issues if the header, body, and footer cells have different font sizes. Instead, use rem if you need a length unit relative to the font size.


      width - the width to set this column to, as a CSS-string, not null


      this column, for method chaining

      See Also:

    • getWidth

      @Synchronize("column-drag-resize") public String getWidth()

      Gets the width of this column as a CSS-string.


      the width of this column as a CSS-string

      See Also:

    • setFlexGrow

      public Grid.Column<T> setFlexGrow(int flexGrow)

      Sets the flex grow ratio for this column. When set to 0, column width is fixed.


      flexGrow - the flex grow ratio


      this column, for method chaining

      See Also:

    • getFlexGrow

      @Synchronize("column-drag-resize") public int getFlexGrow()

      Gets the flex grow value, by default 1.


      the flex grow value, by default 1

      See Also:

    • setAutoWidth

      public Grid.Column<T> setAutoWidth(boolean autoWidth)

      Enables or disables automatic width for this column.

      Automatically sets the width of the column based on the column contents when this is set to true.

      For performance reasons the column width is calculated automatically only once when the grid items are rendered for the first time and the calculation only considers the rows which are currently rendered in DOM (a bit more than what is currently visible). If the grid is scrolled, or the cell content changes, the column width might not match the contents anymore.

      Hidden columns are ignored in the calculation and their widths are not automatically updated when you show a column that was initially hidden.

      You can manually trigger the auto sizing behavior again by calling Grid.recalculateColumnWidths().

      The column width may still grow larger when flexGrow is not 0.


      autoWidth - whether to enable or disable automatic width on this column


      this column, for method chaining

      See Also:

    • isAutoWidth

      public boolean isAutoWidth()

      Gets this column's auto width state.


      whether this column has automatic width enabled

    • setKey

      public Grid.Column<T> setKey(String key)

      Sets the user-defined identifier to map this column. The key can be used to fetch the column later with Grid.getColumnByKey(String).

      The key is also used as the backend sort property for this column if no sort property or sort order provider has been set for this column.

      The key has to be unique within the grid, and it can't be changed after set once.


      key - the identifier key, can't be null


      this column

      See Also:

    • getKey

      public String getKey()

      Gets the user-defined key for this column, or null if no key has been set.


      the user-defined key

    • getElement

      public Element getElement()

      Gets the underlying <vaadin-grid-column> element.

      It is highly discouraged to directly use the API exposed by the returned element.

      Specified by:

      getElement in interface HasElement


      getElement in class Component


      the root element of this component

    • setComparator

      public Grid.Column<T> setComparator(Comparator<T> comparator)

      Sets a comparator to use with in-memory sorting with this column. Sorting with a back-end is done using setSortProperty(String...).

      Note: calling this method automatically sets the column as sortable with setSortable(boolean).

      Note: Comparator is not serializable. If you need to write serializable implementation, use inlined class of SerializableComparator instead of Lambda expression.


      comparator - the comparator to use when sorting data in this column


      this column

    • setComparator

      public <V extends Comparable<? super V>> Grid.Column<T> setComparator(ValueProvider<T,V> keyExtractor)

      Sets a comparator to use with in-memory sorting with this column based on the return type of the given ValueProvider.Sorting with a back-end is done using setSortProperty(String[]).

      Note: calling this method automatically sets the column as sortable with setSortable(boolean).

      Type Parameters:

      V - the value of the column


      keyExtractor - the value provider used to extract the Comparable sort key


      this column

      See Also:

    • getComparator

      public SerializableComparator<T> getComparator(SortDirection sortDirection)

      Gets the comparator to use with in-memory sorting for this column when sorting in the given direction.

      Note: calling this method automatically sets the column as sortable with setSortable(boolean).


      sortDirection - the direction this column is sorted by


      comparator for this column

    • setSortProperty

      public Grid.Column<T> setSortProperty(String... properties)

      Sets strings describing back end properties to be used when sorting this column.

      Note: calling this method automatically sets the column as sortable with setSortable(boolean).


      properties - the array of strings describing backend properties


      this column

    • setSortOrderProvider

      public Grid.Column<T> setSortOrderProvider(SortOrderProvider provider)

      Sets the sort orders when sorting this column. The sort order provider is a function which provides QuerySortOrder objects to describe how to sort by this column.

      The default provider uses the sort properties set with setSortProperty(String...).

      Note: calling this method automatically sets the column as sortable with setSortable(boolean).


      provider - the function to use when generating sort orders with the given direction


      this column

    • getSortOrder

      public Stream<QuerySortOrder> getSortOrder(SortDirection direction)

      Gets the sort orders to use with back-end sorting for this column when sorting in the given direction.


      direction - the sorting direction


      stream of sort orders

      See Also:

    • setSortable

      public Grid.Column<T> setSortable(boolean sortable)

      Sets whether the user can sort this column or not.


      sortable - true if the column can be sorted by the user; false if not


      this column

    • isSortable

      public boolean isSortable()

      Gets whether this column is sortable (e.g. shows the sorting indicators at the client-side).


      true if the column is sortable, false otherwise

    • setHeader

      public Grid.Column<T> setHeader(String labelText)

      Sets a header text to the column.

      If there are no header rows when calling this method, the first header row will be created. If there are header rows, the header will be set on the first created header row and it will override any existing header.


      labelText - the text to be shown at the column header


      this column, for method chaining

    • setFooter

      public Grid.Column<T> setFooter(String labelText)

      Sets a footer text to the column.

      If there are no footer rows when calling this method, the first footer row will be created. If there are footer rows, the footer will be set on the bottom footer row and it will override any existing footer.


      labelText - the text to be shown at the column footer


      this column, for method chaining

    • setHeader

      public Grid.Column<T> setHeader(Component headerComponent)

      Sets a header component to the column.

      If there are no header rows when calling this method, the first header row will be created. If there are header rows, the header will be set on the first created header row and it will override any existing header.


      headerComponent - the component to be used in the header of the column


      this column, for method chaining

    • setFooter

      public Grid.Column<T> setFooter(Component footerComponent)

      Sets a footer component to the column.

      If there are no footer rows when calling this method, the first footer row will be created. If there are footer rows, the footer will be set on the bottom footer row and it will override any existing footer.


      footerComponent - the component to be used in the footer of the column


      this column, for method chaining

    • setEditorComponent

      public Grid.Column<T> setEditorComponent(Component editorComponent)

      Sets a component to use for editing values of this column in the editor row. This is a convenient way for use in simple cases where the same component can be used to edit all the items. Use setEditorComponent(SerializableFunction) to support more complex cases.


      editorComponent - the editor component, or null to remove the editor component for this column


      this column

      See Also:

    • setEditorComponent

      public Grid.Column<T> setEditorComponent(SerializableFunction<T,? extends Component> componentCallback)

      Sets a function that returns the editor component to be used for an specific item in the editor row.


      componentCallback - the editor component function, or null to remove the editor component for this column


      this column

      See Also:

    • getEditorComponent

      public Component getEditorComponent()

      Gets the editor component that is used for this column.


      the editor component, or null if no component is set, or if it was set by using setEditorComponent(SerializableFunction).

      See Also:

    • setClassNameGenerator

      @Deprecated public Grid.Column<T> setClassNameGenerator(SerializableFunction<T,String> classNameGenerator)

      Sets the function that is used for generating CSS class names for cells in this column. Returning null from the generator results in no custom class name being set. Multiple class names can be returned from the generator as space-separated.

      If Grid.setClassNameGenerator(SerializableFunction) is used together with this method, resulting class names from both methods will be effective. Class names generated by grid are applied to the cells before the class names generated by column. This means that if the classes contain conflicting style properties, column's classes will win.


      classNameGenerator - the class name generator to set, not null


      this column


      NullPointerException - if classNameGenerator is null

      See Also:

    • setPartNameGenerator

      public Grid.Column<T> setPartNameGenerator(SerializableFunction<T,String> partNameGenerator)

      Sets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for cells in this column. Returning null from the generator results in no custom part name being set. Multiple part names can be returned from the generator as space-separated.

      If Grid.setPartNameGenerator(SerializableFunction) is used together with this method, resulting part names from both methods will be effective.


      partNameGenerator - the part name generator to set, not null


      this column


      NullPointerException - if partNameGenerator is null

      See Also:

    • setTooltipGenerator

      public Grid.Column<T> setTooltipGenerator(SerializableFunction<T,String> tooltipGenerator)

      Sets the function that is used for generating tooltip text for cells in this column. Returning null from the generator results in no tooltip being set.


      tooltipGenerator - the tooltip generator to set, not null


      this column


      NullPointerException - if classNameGenerator is null

    • getClassNameGenerator

      public SerializableFunction<T,String> getClassNameGenerator()

      Gets the function that is used for generating CSS class names for cells in this column.


      the class name generator

    • getPartNameGenerator

      public SerializableFunction<T,String> getPartNameGenerator()

      Gets the function that is used for generating CSS part names for cells in this column.


      the part name generator

    • getTooltipGenerator

      public SerializableFunction<T,String> getTooltipGenerator()
    • isRowHeader

      public boolean isRowHeader()

      Gets whether cells in this column should be announced as row headers.


      whether cells in this column should be announced as row headers.

    • setRowHeader

      public Grid.Column<T> setRowHeader(boolean rowHeader)

      Sets whether cells in this column should be announced as row headers. When true, the cells for this column will be rendered with the role attribute set as rowheader, instead of the gridcell role value used by default.

      When a column is set as row header, its cells will be announced by screen readers while navigating to help user identify the current row as uniquely as possible.


      rowHeader - whether cells in this column should be announced as row headers

    • getBottomLevelColumn

      protected Grid.Column<?> getBottomLevelColumn()

      Gets the <vaadin-grid-column> component that is a child of this component, or this component in case this is a bottom level <vaadin-grid-column> component. This method should be called only on components which have only one such bottom-level column (not on ColumnGroups with multiple children).


      the bottom column component

    • getGrid

      public Grid<?> getGrid()

      Gets the owner of this column.


      the grid which owns this column

    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)

      Sets the component visibility value.

      When a component is set as invisible, all the updates of the component from the server to the client are blocked until the component is set as visible again.

      Invisible components don't receive any updates from the client-side. Unlike the server-side updates, client-side updates, if any, are discarded while the component is invisible, and are not transmitted to the server when the component is made visible.

      Note that column related data is sent to the client side even if the column is invisible. Use Grid.removeColumn(Column) to remove column (or don't add the column all) and avoid sending extra data.


      setVisible in class Component


      visible - the component visibility value

      See Also:

    • getHeaderText

      public String getHeaderText()

      Returns the header text of the column.


      the header text

    • setHeaderText

      protected void setHeaderText(String text)
    • getFooterText

      public String getFooterText()

      Returns the footer text of the column.


      the footer text

    • setFooterText

      protected void setFooterText(String text)
    • getHeaderComponent

      public Component getHeaderComponent()

      Returns the header component of the column.


      the header component

    • setHeaderComponent

      protected void setHeaderComponent(Component component)
    • getFooterComponent

      public Component getFooterComponent()

      Returns the footer component of the column.


      the footer component

    • setFooterComponent

      protected void setFooterComponent(Component component)
    • moveHeaderContent

      protected void moveHeaderContent(com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.AbstractColumn<?> otherColumn)

      Moves the current header content, either a text or a component, to a different column or column group. Also clears the content of this column.


      otherColumn - the column or group to move the content to

    • moveFooterContent

      protected void moveFooterContent(com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.AbstractColumn<?> otherColumn)

      Moves the current footer content, either a text or a component, to a different column or column group. Also clears the content of this column.


      otherColumn - the column or group to move the content to

    • updateSortingIndicators

      protected void updateSortingIndicators(boolean sortable)

      Updates this component to either have sorting indicators according to the sortable state of the underlying column, or removes the sorting indicators.


      sortable - true to have sorting indicators if the column is sortable, false to not have sorting indicators

    • setSortingIndicators

      protected void setSortingIndicators(boolean sortingIndicators)

      Sets this component to show sorting indicators or not.


      sortingIndicators - true to show sorting indicators, false to remove them

    • hasSortingIndicators

      protected boolean hasSortingIndicators()
    • getBottomChildColumns

      protected List<Grid.Column<?>> getBottomChildColumns()

      Gets recursively the child components of this component that are instances of Column.


      the Column children of this component

    • setResizable

      default Grid.Column<T> setResizable(boolean resizable)

      When set to true, the column is user-resizable. By default this is set to false.


      resizable - whether to allow user resizing of this column


      this column, for method chaining

    • isResizable

      @Synchronize("resizable-changed") default boolean isResizable()

      Gets whether this column is user-resizable.


      whether this column is user-resizable

    • setFrozen

      default Grid.Column<T> setFrozen(boolean frozen)

      Sets this column's frozen state.

      Note: Columns are frozen in-place, freeze columns from left to right for a consistent outcome.


      frozen - whether to freeze or unfreeze this column


      this column, for method chaining

    • isFrozen

      @Synchronize("frozen-changed") default boolean isFrozen()

      Gets the this column's frozen state.


      whether this column is frozen

    • setFrozenToEnd

      default Grid.Column<T> setFrozenToEnd(boolean frozenToEnd)

      Sets this column's frozen state.

      Note: Columns are frozen in-place, freeze columns from right to left for a consistent outcome.


      frozenToEnd - whether to freeze or unfreeze this column


      this column, for method chaining



    • isFrozenToEnd

      @Synchronize("frozen-to-end-changed") default boolean isFrozenToEnd()

      Gets the this column's frozen state.


      whether this column is frozen to end



    • setTextAlign

      default Grid.Column<T> setTextAlign(ColumnTextAlign textAlign)

      Sets the column text align.


      textAlign - the text alignment of the column. Setting it to null resets the alignment to the default value ColumnTextAlign.START.


      this column, for method chaining

    • getTextAlign

      @Synchronize("text-align-changed") default ColumnTextAlign getTextAlign()

      Gets the column text align. The default is ColumnTextAlign.START.


      the column text align, not null

    • setHeaderPartName

      default Grid.Column<T> setHeaderPartName(String headerPartName)

      Sets a custom part name for the header cell.


      headerPartName - the part name to set


      this column, for method chaining

    • getHeaderPartName

      default String getHeaderPartName()

      Gets the custom part name of the header cell.


      the part name

    • setFooterPartName

      default Grid.Column<T> setFooterPartName(String footerPartName)

      Sets a custom part name for the footer cell.


      footerPartName - the part name to set


      this column, for method chaining

    • getFooterPartName

      default String getFooterPartName()

      Gets the custom part name of the footer cell.


      the part name