
Class ErrorNavigationEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:


public class ErrorNavigationEvent extends NavigationEvent

Event object with data related to error navigation.




Vaadin Ltd

See Also:

  • Constructor Details

    • ErrorNavigationEvent

      public ErrorNavigationEvent(Router router, Location location, UI ui, NavigationTrigger trigger, ErrorParameter<?> errorParameter)

      Creates a new navigation event.


      router - the router handling the navigation, not null

      location - the new location, not null

      ui - the UI in which the navigation occurs, not null

      trigger - the type of user action that triggered this navigation event, not null

      errorParameter - parameter containing navigation error information

    • ErrorNavigationEvent

      public ErrorNavigationEvent(Router router, Location location, UI ui, NavigationTrigger trigger, ErrorParameter<?> errorParameter, elemental.json.JsonValue state)

      Creates a new navigation event.


      router - the router handling the navigation, not null

      location - the new location, not null

      ui - the UI in which the navigation occurs, not null

      trigger - the type of user action that triggered this navigation event, not null

      errorParameter - parameter containing navigation error information

      state - includes navigation state info including for example the scroll position and the complete href of the RouterLink

  • Method Details

    • getErrorParameter

      public ErrorParameter<?> getErrorParameter()

      Gets the ErrorParameter if set.


      set error parameter or null if not set