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Class ModelDescriptor<T extends TemplateModel>

  • Type Parameters:

    T - the template model type used by this descriptor

    All Implemented Interfaces:

    ComplexModelType<T>, ModelType, Serializable

    public class ModelDescriptor<T extends TemplateModel>
    extends BeanModelType<T>
    Template model and model types are not supported for lit template, but you can use @Id mapping and the component API or the element API with property synchronization instead. Polymer template support is deprecated - we recommend you to use LitTemplate instead. Read more details from the Vaadin blog.

    Describes the model type of a template class.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.




    Vaadin Ltd

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static <T extends TemplateModelModelDescriptor<T> get​(Class<T> modelType)

        Gets the model descriptor for a model type.

        Type Parameters:

        T - the model type


        modelType - the model type to find a descriptor, not null


        the model descriptor derived from the provided model type, not null