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Class FrontendUtils.CommandExecutionException

    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandExecutionException

        public CommandExecutionException​(int processExitCode)

        Constructs an exception telling what code the command execution process was exited with.


        processExitCode - process exit code

      • CommandExecutionException

        public CommandExecutionException​(int processExitCode,
                                         String output,
                                         String errorOutput)

        Constructs an exception telling what code the command execution process was exited with and the output that it produced.


        processExitCode - process exit code

        output - the output from the command

        errorOutput - the error output from the command

      • CommandExecutionException

        public CommandExecutionException​(Throwable cause)

        Constructs an exception telling what was the original exception the command execution process failed with.


        cause - the cause exception of process failure.