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Interface WebComponentConfiguration<C extends Component>

    • Method Detail

      • hasProperty

        boolean hasProperty​(String propertyName)

        Check if the configuration has a property identified by the propertyName.


        propertyName - name of the property, not null


        has property

      • getPropertyType

        Class<? extends Serializable> getPropertyType​(String propertyName)

        Retrieve the type of a property's value. If the property is not known, returns null


        propertyName - name of the property, not null


        property type or null

      • getComponentClass

        Class<C> getComponentClass()

        Retrieve the type of the component.


        component type

      • createWebComponentBinding

        WebComponentBinding<C> createWebComponentBinding​(Instantiator instantiator,
                                                         Element element,
                                                         elemental.json.JsonObject newAttributeDefaults)

        Creates a new WebComponentBinding instance.


        instantiator - Instantiator used to construct instances

        element - element which acts as the root element for the exported component instance

        newAttributeDefaults - JsonObject containing default overrides set by the user defining the component on a web page. These defaults are set using the web component's attributes.


        web component binding which can be used by the web component host to communicate with the component it is hosting

      • getTag

        String getTag()

        Retrieves the tag name configured by the web component exporter.


        tag name, not null