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Class AtmospherePushConnection.FragmentedMessage

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.AtmospherePushConnection.FragmentedMessage
    • Constructor Detail

      • FragmentedMessage

        public FragmentedMessage​(Reader reader)
                          throws IOException

        Creates a message by reading from the given reader.

        Immediately reads the length of the message (up until 124) from the reader.


        reader - the reader to read the message from


        IOException - if an exception occurred while reading from the reader or if unexpected data was read

    • Method Detail

      • append

        public boolean append​(Reader reader)
                       throws IOException

        Appends all the data from the given Reader to this message and returns whether the message was completed.


        reader - The Reader from which to read.


        true if this message is complete, false otherwise.


        IOException - if an IO error occurred

      • getReader

        public Reader getReader()