uses internal themable component as the actual visible notification cards. See the stylable parts the API. Note: the theme attribute value set on is propagated to the internal . "> uses internal themable component as the actual visible notification cards. See the stylable parts the API. Note: the theme attribute value set on is propagated to the internal . "> com.vaadin.flow.component.notification.GeneratedVaadinNotification API 23.1.17 | Vaadin
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Class GeneratedVaadinNotification<R extends GeneratedVaadinNotification<R>>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    AttachNotifier, DetachNotifier, HasElement, Serializable

    Direct Known Subclasses:


    @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter",version="23.1.15") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/notification",version="23.1.15") @NpmPackage(value="@vaadin/vaadin-notification",version="23.1.15")
    @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/style-modules.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/notification/src/vaadin-notification.js") @JsModule("@vaadin/polymer-legacy-adapter/template-renderer.js")
    public abstract class GeneratedVaadinNotification<R extends GeneratedVaadinNotification<R>>
    extends Component

    Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

    <vaadin-notification> is a Web Component providing accessible and customizable notifications (toasts). The content of the notification can be populated in two ways: imperatively by using renderer callback function and declaratively by using Polymer's Templates.


    By default, the notification uses the content provided by using the renderer callback function.

    The renderer function provides root, notification arguments. Generate DOM content, append it to the root element and control the state of the host element by accessing notification. Before generating new content, users are able to check if there is already content in root for reusing it.

    <vaadin-notification id="notification"></vaadin-notification> const notification = document.querySelector('#notification'); notification.renderer = function(root) root.textContent = &quot;Your work has been saved&quot;; ;}

    Renderer is called on the opening of the notification. DOM generated during the renderer call can be reused in the next renderer call and will be provided with the root argument. On first call it will be empty.

    Polymer Templates

    Alternatively, the content can be provided with Polymer's Template. Notification finds the first child template and uses that in case renderer callback function is not provided. You can also set a custom template using the template property.

    <vaadin-notification> <template> Your work has been saved </template> </vaadin-notification>


    <vaadin-notification> uses <vaadin-notification-card> internal themable component as the actual visible notification cards. See the stylable parts the <vaadin-notification-card> API.

    Note: the theme attribute value set on <vaadin-notification> is propagated to the internal <vaadin-notification-card>.

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Constructor Detail

      • GeneratedVaadinNotification

        public GeneratedVaadinNotification()
    • Method Detail

      • getDurationDouble

        protected double getDurationDouble()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        The duration in milliseconds to show the notification. Set to 0 or a negative number to disable the notification auto-closing.

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.


        the duration property from the webcomponent

      • setDuration

        protected void setDuration​(double duration)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        The duration in milliseconds to show the notification. Set to 0 or a negative number to disable the notification auto-closing.


        duration - the double value to set

      • isOpenedBoolean

        protected boolean isOpenedBoolean()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        True if the notification is currently displayed.

        This property is synchronized automatically from client side when a 'opened-changed' event happens.


        the opened property from the webcomponent

      • setOpened

        protected void setOpened​(boolean opened)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        True if the notification is currently displayed.


        opened - the boolean value to set

      • getPositionString

        protected String getPositionString()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Alignment of the notification in the viewport Valid values are top-stretch|top-start|top-center|top-end|middle|bottom-start|bottom-center|bottom-end|bottom-stretch

        This property is not synchronized automatically from the client side, so the returned value may not be the same as in client side.


        the position property from the webcomponent

      • setPosition

        protected void setPosition​(String position)

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Alignment of the notification in the viewport Valid values are top-stretch|top-start|top-center|top-end|middle|bottom-start|bottom-center|bottom-end|bottom-stretch


        position - the String value to set

      • open

        protected void open()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Opens the notification.

      • close

        protected void close()

        Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:

        Closes the notification.