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Interface SelectionModel<C extends Component,​T>

    • Method Detail

      • getSelectedItems

        Set<T> getSelectedItems()

        Returns an immutable set of the currently selected items. It is safe to invoke other SelectionModel methods while iterating over the set.

        Implementation note: the iteration order of the items in the returned set should be well-defined and documented by the implementing class.


        the items in the current selection, not null

      • select

        void select​(T item)

        Selects the given item. Depending on the implementation, may cause other items to be deselected. If the item is already selected, does nothing.


        item - the item to select, not null

      • deselect

        void deselect​(T item)

        Deselects the given item. If the item is not currently selected, does nothing.


        item - the item to deselect, not null

      • deselectAll

        void deselectAll()

        Deselects all currently selected items, if any.

      • isSelected

        default boolean isSelected​(T item)

        Returns whether the given item is currently selected.


        item - the item to check, not null


        true if the item is selected, false otherwise

      • addSelectionListener

        Registration addSelectionListener​(SelectionListener<C,​T> listener)

        Adds a generic listener to this selection model, accepting both single and multiselection events.


        listener - the listener to add, not null


        a registration handle for removing the listener