Package com.vaadin.flow.component.grid
Interface Summary Interface Description GridArrayUpdater Array update strategy aware class for Grid.
GridMultiSelectionModel<T> Multiselection model interface for Grid.
GridSelectionModel<T> The server-side interface that controls Grid's selection state.
GridSingleSelectionModel<T> Single selection model interface for Grid.
SortOrderProvider Generates the sort orders when rows are sorted by a column.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractGridMultiSelectionModel<T> Abstract implementation of a GridMultiSelectionModel.
AbstractGridSingleSelectionModel<T> Abstract implementation of a GridSingleSelectionModel.
CellFocusEvent<T> Event fired when a cell in the Grid is focused.
ColumnPathRenderer<SOURCE> Renderer for columns that doesn't use any template for rendering its contents (only the value from the object model).
ColumnReorderEvent<T> Event fired when the columns in the Grid are reordered.
ColumnResizeEvent<T> Event fired when a Grid column is resized by the user.
FooterRow One row of
s in a Grid.FooterRow.FooterCell A footer cell in a Grid.
Grid<T> Grid is a component for showing tabular data.
Grid.AbstractGridExtension<T> A helper base class for creating extensions for the Grid component.
Grid.Column<T> Server-side component for the
element.Grid.DataCommunicatorBuilder<T,U extends ArrayUpdater> Builder for
object.Grid.UpdateQueue GridArrayUpdater.UpdateQueueData Data object for
.GridNoneSelectionModel<T> Selection model implementation for disabling selection in Grid.
GridSelectionColumn Server side implementation for the flow specific grid selection column.
GridSortOrder<T> Sorting information for
.GridSortOrderBuilder<T> Helper classes with fluent API for constructing
lists.HeaderRow One row of
s in a Grid.HeaderRow.HeaderCell A header cell in a Grid.
ItemClickEvent<T> Event fired when a Grid item is clicked.
ItemDoubleClickEvent<T> Event fired when a Grid item is double clicked.
Enum Summary Enum Description CellFocusEvent.GridSection An enum representing the different sections of a grid.
ColumnTextAlign Constants for the text alignment of columns.
Grid.NestedNullBehavior behavior when parsing nested properties which may contain
values in the property chainGrid.SelectionMode Selection mode representing the built-in selection models in grid.
GridMultiSelectionModel.SelectAllCheckboxVisibility State for showing the select all checkbox in the grid's default header row for the selection column.
GridVariant Set of theme variants applicable for