Package com.vaadin.flow.component.upload
Interface Summary Interface Description MultiFileReceiver Interface that must be implemented by the upload receivers to provide the Upload component an output stream to write the uploaded data.
ProgressListener ProgressListener receives events to track progress of upload.
Receiver Interface that must be implemented by the upload receivers to provide the Upload component an output stream to write the uploaded data.
Class Summary Class Description AllFinishedEvent AllFinishedEvent is sent when the upload has processed all the files in its upload queue, regardless of whether all the receptions were successful or not.
FailedEvent FailedEvent event is sent when the upload is received, but the reception is interrupted for some reason.
FileRejectedEvent Sent when the file selected for upload doesn't meet the constraints specified on
FinishedEvent FinishedEvent is sent when the upload receives a file, regardless of whether the reception was successful or failed.
GeneratedVaadinUpload<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
GeneratedVaadinUpload.FileRejectEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.FilesChangeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.MaxFilesReachedChangeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadAbortEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadBeforeEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadErrorEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadProgressEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRequestEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadResponseEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadRetryEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadStartEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUpload.UploadSuccessEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUpload<R>> GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>> Description copied from corresponding location in WebComponent:
GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileAbortEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>> GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileRemoveEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>> GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileRetryEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>> GeneratedVaadinUploadFile.FileStartEvent<R extends GeneratedVaadinUploadFile<R>> NoInputStreamEvent FailedEvent that indicates that an input stream could not be obtained.
NoOutputStreamEvent FailedEvent that indicates that an output stream could not be obtained.
ProgressUpdateEvent ProgressUpdateEvent is sent to track progress of upload.
StartedEvent StartedEvent event is sent when the upload is started to received.
SucceededEvent SucceededEvent event is sent when the upload is received successfully.
Upload Upload is a component for uploading one or more files.
UploadI18N The I18N helper file for the upload component.
UploadI18N.AddFiles Translations for adding files.
UploadI18N.DropFiles Translations for dropping files.
UploadI18N.Error Exception translations.
UploadI18N.SingleMulti Abstract translation class for single and multi mode translations.
UploadI18N.Units unit translations.
UploadI18N.Uploading Upload time translation strings.
UploadI18N.Uploading.Error Communication error translations.
UploadI18N.Uploading.RemainingTime Time remaining translations.
UploadI18N.Uploading.Status Upload status strings.