Package com.vaadin.flow.server.frontend
Interface Summary Interface Description EndpointGeneratorTaskFactory A factory for creating Vaadin Endpoint generator tasks.
FallibleCommand A generic command which may fail.
TaskGenerateEndpoint Generate the TS files for endpoints, and the Client API file.
TaskGenerateHilla Generate the Vaadin TS files for endpoints, and the Client API file.
TaskGenerateOpenAPI Generate OpenAPI json file for Vaadin Endpoints.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractTaskClientGenerator Abstract class for generating client files.
CvdlProducts Utilities for commercial product handling.
FallbackChunk Fall back chunk info.
FallbackChunk.CssImportData Css data stored in fallback chunk.
FrontendTools Provides access to frontend tools (Node.js and npm, pnpm) and optionally installs the tools if needed.
FrontendToolsLocator Helps to locate the tools in the system by their names.
FrontendToolsSettings Configuration object for controlling the
features.FrontendUtils A class for static methods and definitions that might be used in different locations.
FrontendVersion Version object for frontend versions comparison and handling.
FrontendWebComponentGenerator Generates embeddable web component files in npm mode, hiding the complexity caused by using a different class loader.
JarContentsManager Shared code for managing contents of jar files.
NodeTasks An executor that it's run when the servlet context is initialised in dev-mode or when flow-maven-plugin goals are run.
NodeTasks.Builder Build a
instance.NodeUpdater Base abstract class for frontend updaters that needs to be run when in dev-mode or from the flow maven plugin.
TaskCopyFrontendFiles Copies JavaScript and CSS files from JAR files into a given folder.
TaskCopyLocalFrontendFiles Copies JavaScript files from the given local frontend folder.
TaskCopyTemplateFiles Copies template files to the target folder so as to be available for parsing at runtime in production mode.
TaskGenerateBootstrap A task for generating the bootstrap file
during `package` Maven goal.TaskGenerateFeatureFlags A task for generating the feature flags file
during `package` Maven goal.TaskGenerateIndexHtml Generate
if it is missing in frontend folder.TaskGenerateIndexTs Generate
if it is missing in frontend folder.TaskGeneratePackageJson Creates the
if missing.TaskGenerateServiceWorker Generate
if it is missing in frontend folder.TaskGenerateTsConfig Generate
if it is missing in project folder.TaskGenerateTsDefinitions Generate
if it is missing in project folder andtsconfig.json
exists in project folder.TaskGenerateViteDevMode Generate
if it is missing in frontend/generated folder.TaskGenerateWebComponentBootstrap A task for generating the bootstrap file for exported web components
during `package` Maven goal.TaskGenerateWebComponentHtml Generate
if it is missing in frontend folder.TaskInstallWebpackPlugins Task that installs any Flow webpack plugins into node_modules/@vaadin for use with webpack compilation.
TaskRunNpmInstall Run
npm install
after dependencies have been updated.TaskRunNpmInstall.Stats Container for npm installation statistics.
TaskUpdateImports An updater that it's run when the servlet context is initialised in dev-mode or when flow-maven-plugin goals are run in order to update Flow imports file and
contents by visiting all classes withJsModule
annotations.TaskUpdatePackages Updates
by visitingNpmPackage
annotations found in the classpath.TaskUpdateSettingsFile Creates a vaadin-dev-server-settings.json file for use with dev server configuration.
TaskUpdateThemeImport Task generating the theme definition file 'theme.js' for importing application theme into the generated frontend directory.
TaskUpdateVite Updates the Vite configuration files according with current project settings.
TaskUpdateWebpack Updates the webpack config file according with current project settings.
Exception Summary Exception Description FrontendUtils.CommandExecutionException Thrown when the command execution fails.
FrontendUtils.UnknownVersionException Thrown when detecting the version of a tool fails.
UnknownTaskException Exception thrown for when a node task that is not in the task list is encountered.
WebpackConnectionException Exception thrown when webpack server doesn't respond with HTTP_OK for a request.