Package com.vaadin.collaborationengine
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractCollaborationManager.ActivationHandler The callback executed when the manager is activated, i.e.
ActionDispatcher Allows dispatching actions to be executed in background.
ActivationHandler Defines when to execute the connection callback
Backend.EventLog A strictly ordered log of submitted events.
CollaborationAvatarGroup.ImageProvider Callback for creating a stream resource with the image for a specific user.
CollaborationList A list that is shared between multiple users.
CollaborationMap A map that is shared between multiple users.
CollaborationMessageList.MessageConfigurator Configurator callback for messages in a
.CollaborationMessagePersister Persister of
items, which enables to read and write messages from/to a backend, for example a database.CollaborationMessageSubmitter Submitter of messages.
CollaborationMessageSubmitter.ActivationContext The activation context of a
.ConnectionContext The context in which a topic connection is active.
HasExpirationTimeout Common interface to be implemented by types holding data associated to a topic, which provides methods to set an expiration timeout on the data which will be cleared after the timeout has passed since the last connection to the topic has been closed.
HighlightHandler Functional interface that defines how to handle highlight changes for properties in a topic.
HighlightHandler.HighlightContext The context of the highlight.
LicenseEventHandler Event handler that gets notified on license events.
LicenseStorage The interface to store license usage data.
ListInsertResult<T> Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. Replaced withListOperationResult
.ListSubscriber Event handler that gets notified for changes to collaboration lists.
MapSubscriber Event handler that gets notified for changes to collaboration maps.
MembershipListener A listener of
.MessageHandler Functional interface that defines how to handle a message when it is added to a topic.
MessageHandler.MessageContext The context of the message.
NewUserHandler Deprecated. UsePresenceHandler
insteadPresenceHandler Functional interface that defines how to handle user presence changes in a topic.
PresenceHandler.PresenceContext The context of the user presence.
PropertyChangeHandler Functional interface that defines how to handle value changes for properties in a topic.
PropertyChangeHandler.PropertyChangeEvent The property change event.
TopicConnectionRegistration.ConnectionFailedAction An action for handling a failed topic connection.
Class Summary Class Description AbstractCollaborationManager The common abstract superclass of Collaboration Managers.
AccessResponse Response object when access to Collaboration Engine is requested for a user.
Backend The interface between a cluster backend and Collaboration Engine.
Backend.Snapshot The
class is used to submit and retrieve a snapshot payload using the {@link Backend::replaceSnapshot()} and {@link Backend::loadLatestSnapshot()} methods.CollaborationAvatarGroup Extension of the
component which integrates with theCollaborationEngine
.CollaborationBinder<BEAN> Extension of
for creating collaborative forms withCollaborationEngine
.CollaborationBinder.CollaborationBindingBuilderImpl<BEAN,​FIELDVALUE,​TARGET> CollaborationBinderUtil Utility methods for
.CollaborationEngine CollaborationEngine is an API for creating collaborative experiences in Vaadin applications.
CollaborationEngineConfiguration Configuration object for
.CollaborationEngineServiceInitListener A
which uses theInstantiator
to find whether an instance ofCollaborationEngineConfiguration
is provided as a bean in the current environment, using that instance if found.CollaborationMessage Message of a
.CollaborationMessageInput Extension of the
component which integrates with theCollaborationMessageList
.CollaborationMessageList Extension of the
component which integrates with theCollaborationEngine
.CollaborationMessagePersister.FetchQuery A query to fetch messages from a backend.
CollaborationMessagePersister.PersistRequest A request to persist messages to a backend.
ComponentConnectionContext A connection context based on the attach state of a set of component instances.
FormManager Manager to handle form values and field highlight state.
LicenseEvent Event that is fired during license lifecycle, e.g.
ListChangeEvent Event that is fired when the value in a collaboration list changes.
ListKey An object which identifies each item of a
.ListOperation A list operation providing the list item value, its position, the scope and conditions that should be met for the operation to succeed.
ListOperationResult<T> The result of a list operation in a
.LocalBackend A simple backend implementation that only distributes events locally and assumes that there is no previous history for event logs.
MapChangeEvent Event that is fired when the value in a collaboration map changes.
MembershipEvent The event dispatched when a node joins or leaves the backend.
MessageManager Manager to handle messages sent to a topic.
PresenceManager Manager to handle user presence in topics.
SystemConnectionContext A connection context that is always active.
SystemUserInfo A
for non-interaction thread.TopicConnection API for sending and subscribing to updates between clients collaborating on the same collaboration topic.
TopicConnectionRegistration A registration for configuring or removing a topic connection that is opened with Collaboration Engine.
TopicConnectionRegistration.ConnectionFailedEvent An event that is fired when the topic connection fails.
UserInfo User information of a collaborating user, used with various features of the collaboration engine.
Enum Summary Enum Description EntryScope The scope of data in a topic.
LicenseEvent.LicenseEventType The license event type.
MembershipEvent.MembershipEventType The type of the event.
Exception Summary Exception Description Backend.EventIdNotFoundException This exception is thrown by the {@link EventLog::subscribe()} method if the provided
does not exist in the log.BackendFeatureNotEnabledException Exception thrown if the feature-flag for the
API is not enabled.JsonConversionException Thrown when unable to convert back and forth between a Java object instance and a Jackson