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Class CollaborationMessagePersister.FetchQuery

  • All Implemented Interfaces:


    Enclosing interface:


    public static class CollaborationMessagePersister.FetchQuery
    extends EventObject

    A query to fetch messages from a backend. It provides information such as the topic identifier and the timestamp since when messages should be fetched.

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Method Detail

      • getTopicId

        public String getTopicId()

        Gets the topic identifier.


        the topic identifier

      • getSince

        public Instant getSince()

        Gets the timestamp since when messages should be fetched.

        Note: You must include the messages sent during or after this timestamp, including the messages sent at this exact time. More formally, you should return all such messages, for which the following condition is true:

         message.getTime() >= fetchQuery.getSince()


        the timestamp