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Interface HasItem

    • Method Detail

      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
      • getItemIndex

        int getItemIndex()

        Returns the index of the series item, that is associated with this event, in HasSeries.getSeries(). Can be used to identify the item within the series.

        Example for ListSeries:

         int itemIndex = event.getItemIndex();
         ListSeries series = (ListSeries) event.getSeries();
         Number datum = series.getData()[itemIndex];


        the index of the item in the series

        See Also:

        getItem(), getItemId()

      • getItemId

        String getItemId()

        The ID of the series item that is associated with the event. Can be used to identify the item within the series.

        Example for NodeSeries:

         String id = this.getItemId();
         NodeSeries series = (NodeSeries) this.getSeries();
         Optional<Node> nodeForId = series.getNodes().stream()
           .filter(node -> node.getId().equals(id))

        Only AbstractSeriesItem and Node support setting an ID. For other types of series items this property will always return null. For AbstractSeriesItem the ID is optional. Unless the developer has explicitly set an ID for the item associated with the event, this property will be null. See getItem() or getItemIndex() for alternatives.


        the ID of the series item associated with the event, or null if the series item has no ID

        See Also:

        getItem(), getItemIndex()