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Class WebComponentConfigurationRegistry

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.vaadin.flow.server.webcomponent.WebComponentConfigurationRegistry
  • All Implemented Interfaces:


    public class WebComponentConfigurationRegistry
    extends Object
    implements Serializable

    Registry for storing available web component configuration implementations.

    For internal use only. May be renamed or removed in a future release.




    Vaadin Ltd.

    See Also:

    Serialized Form

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebComponentConfigurationRegistry

        protected WebComponentConfigurationRegistry()

        Protected constructor for internal OSGi extensions.

    • Method Detail

      • getConfiguration

        public Optional<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> getConfiguration​(String tag)

        Get a web component configuration for given custom element tag if one is registered.


        tag - custom element tag


        Optional containing a web component configuration matching given tag

      • updateRegistry

        protected void updateRegistry​(Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> configurations)

        Internal method for updating registry.


        configurations - set of web component configurations to register

      • setConfigurations

        public boolean setConfigurations​(Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> configurations)

        Registers all available web component configurations to the registry.

        This can be done only once and any following set should only return false.


        configurations - set of web component configurations to register. These configurations must have both unique and valid tag names.


        true if set successfully or false if not set

      • hasConfigurations

        public boolean hasConfigurations()

        Checks whether the registry contains any web component configurations.


        true if setConfigurations(Set) has been called a non-empty set.

      • getEmbeddedApplicationAnnotation

        public <T extends AnnotationOptional<T> getEmbeddedApplicationAnnotation​(Class<T> type)

        Returns configuration annotation for embedded application.

        WebComponentExporter classes may declare configuration annotations. If there are several different annotations declared for various exporter classes then an exception will be thrown during the servlet initialization (exporter classes discovering).


        type - the configuration annotation type


        an optional configuration annotation, or an empty optional if there is no configuration annotation with the given type

      • getConfigurations

        public Set<WebComponentConfiguration<? extends Component>> getConfigurations()

        Get an unmodifiable set containing all registered web component configurations.


        unmodifiable set of web component configurations in registry or an empty set

      • setShadowDomElements

        public void setShadowDomElements​(List<Element> elements)

        Set the elements that should be added to each shadow dom hosting an embedded web component.


        elements - list of shadow dom elements

      • getShadowDomElements

        public List<Element> getShadowDomElements()

        Get a copy of the elements that should be added to the shadow dom hosting the embedded web component.


        copy of shadow dom elements