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Class LoadingIndicatorConfigurationMap

    • Constructor Detail

      • LoadingIndicatorConfigurationMap

        public LoadingIndicatorConfigurationMap​(StateNode node)

        Creates a new map for the given node.


        node - the node that the map belongs to

    • Method Detail

      • setSecondDelay

        public void setSecondDelay​(int secondDelay)

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Sets the delay before the loading indicator goes into the "second" state. The delay is calculated from the time when the loading indicator was triggered. The default is 1500ms.

        Specified by:

        setSecondDelay in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        secondDelay - The delay before going into the "second" state (in ms)

      • getSecondDelay

        public int getSecondDelay()

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Returns the delay before the loading indicator goes into the "second" state. The delay is calculated from the time when the loading indicator was triggered.

        Specified by:

        getSecondDelay in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        The delay before going into the "second" state (in ms)

      • setThirdDelay

        public void setThirdDelay​(int thirdDelay)

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Sets the delay before the loading indicator goes into the "third" state. The delay is calculated from the time when the loading indicator was triggered. The default is 5000ms.

        Specified by:

        setThirdDelay in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        thirdDelay - The delay before going into the "third" state (in ms)

      • getThirdDelay

        public int getThirdDelay()

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Returns the delay before the loading indicator goes into the "third" state. The delay is calculated from the time when the loading indicator was triggered.

        Specified by:

        getThirdDelay in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        The delay before going into the "third" state (in ms)

      • isApplyDefaultTheme

        public boolean isApplyDefaultTheme()

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Returns whether the default theming is applied for the loading indicator, making it visible for users.

        By default, it is shown (true) and there is a progress bar on top of the viewport shown after a delay to the users while there is an active server request in process.

        Specified by:

        isApplyDefaultTheme in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        true for applying default theme, false for not

      • setApplyDefaultTheme

        public void setApplyDefaultTheme​(boolean applyDefaultTheme)

        Description copied from interface: LoadingIndicatorConfiguration

        Sets whether the default theming is applied for the loading indicator.

        By default, it is shown (true) and there is a progress bar on top of the viewport shown after a delay to the users while there is an active server request in process.

        Specified by:

        setApplyDefaultTheme in interface LoadingIndicatorConfiguration


        applyDefaultTheme - true to apply default theming, false for not