Package com.vaadin.flow.component.crud
Interface Summary Interface Description CrudEditor<E> Interface representing a crud editor.
Class Summary Class Description BinderCrudEditor<E> A CRUD editor that binds editor fields to bean properties using a
.Crud<E> A component for performing CRUD operations on a data backend (e.g entities from a database).
Crud.CancelEvent<E> Event fired when the user cancels the creation of a new item or modifications to an existing item.
Crud.DeleteEvent<E> Event fired when the user tries to delete an existing item.
Crud.EditEvent<E> Event fired when the user starts to edit an existing item.
Crud.NewEvent<E> Event fired when the user starts to create a new item.
Crud.SaveEvent<E> Event fired when the user tries to save a new item or modifications to an existing item.
CrudFilter The filter type for use with
.CrudGrid<E> A simple grid implementation for Crud that allows searching and sorting backed by a data provider.
CrudI18n Internationalization object for customizing the component UI texts.
CrudI18n.Confirmations The confirmation dialogs used in the component
CrudI18n.Confirmations.Confirmation Represents texts in the confirmation dialogs
CrudI18n.Confirmations.Confirmation.Button The confirmation options on a dialog
CrudI18nUpdatedEvent Event fired to a crud grid when the internationalization object is changed.
Enum Summary Enum Description Crud.EditMode Determines whether an item presented for editing is to be treated as a new item or an existing item.
CrudEditorPosition Enum with the possible values for the crud's editor position.
CrudVariant The set of theme variants applicable to the