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Package com.vaadin.flow.component.map.configuration.source
Class Summary Class Description ImageSource Abstract base class for all sources providing a single image
ImageSource.Options ImageWMSSource Source for WMS servers providing single, untiled images
ImageWMSSource.Options OSMSource Map source for loading tiled images from an OpenStreetMap service.
OSMSource.Options Source Abstract base class for all map sources
Source.Options TileImageSource Abstract base class for map sources providing tiled images from a URL
TileImageSource.Options TileSource Abstract base class for map sources providing tiled map data
TileSource.Options TileWMSSource Source for loading tile data from WMS (Web Map Service) servers
TileWMSSource.Options UrlTileSource Abstract base class for map sources providing tiled map data from a URL
UrlTileSource.Options VectorSource VectorSource.Options XYZSource Source for loading tiled images from a map service using the Slippy Map tile numbering scheme, also known as XYZ format.